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Best Recruiting Applicant Tracking Software for Hiring

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Tue Jan 02 2024

5 min read

recruiting applicant tracking system

If you are looking for many employees, hiring using the traditional method can take a lot of time. Therefore, this blog talks about how recruiting ATS is here to help the companies look out for the top-talented candidates with no fuss. Read how ATS works and know this tool's benefits and key features.

Let's learn how your company will benefit from recruiting ATS.

During the recruiting period, companies dread having to go through multiple resumes. Going through thousands of CVs can be time-consuming and can reduce the company's productivity. Therefore, intelligent tools like recruiting ATS can cut the work in half. The applicant tracking software manages the entire recruitment process efficiently. With the software, you can filter out the best candidates, post jobs, schedule interviews, send automated messages, and much more.

Your company will have more time to focus on important matters when you integrate recruiting applicant tracking software into the hiring process. Moreover, it is the ideal tool if you are looking for the top talents in the market to work in your company. To understand recruiting ATS more clearly, let us see how it works in the further section.

Working of Applicant Tracking System Software Explained

Numerous companies have adopted recruiting ATS to bring highly skilled employees on board. Therefore, before you decide to try the software yourself, it is necessary to understand how it works to take maximum advantage of the tool.

Thinks like a Human Mind

As artificial intelligence entered the market, there were many cons that the users pointed out. Some say that AI is not human enough and makes everything sound robotic. However, the AI applicant tracking system used by recruiting ATS is exactly how the human mind thinks. The ATS looks out for specific keywords, similar to how a recruitment agency and hiring manager does. Additionally, this tool is much faster and more efficient while looking at resumes, which makes the recruitment process much faster.

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Searches for the Best Candidate

With recruiting ATS, searching for the ideal candidate that fits the job description well is much easier. The software posts ads all across internal and external boards, which attracts more candidates to apply for the job. The job description is curated accurately by the ATS with the usage of proper keywords. Later, the tool sends a series of 'knockout questions' to reject those candidates who are not suitable for the job. The ATS software filters and searches for the finest employees using all these methods.

Sorts Applications

When your job vacancy gets a lot of applications, it can be challenging to sort and scan through each of them. But with recruiting ATS, you get the feature of resume parsing that pulls out essential data about the candidate. If you want to read information about a specific applicant, the software will bring you the resume quickly. You also get the feature to shortlist your favorite candidates' CVs. Moreover, the hiring managers can even write a short note to make the hiring process manageable. There is also a feature to specifically assign a keyword to scan education, skills, or manual filters.

Track Application

After the bifurcation of resumes is done, you can track the resumes in every phase of hiring. An applicant tracking system for recruiting agencies makes your job much more efficient, as you can see whether the employees are in the process. If someone gets eliminated from the round, it is shown clearly in the process. The recruiting ATS keeps you updated with the hiring process with the feature of tracking the candidates. Moreover, you will not get confused if there are multiple applicants in the process.

Advantages of Recruiting ATS

After seeing the workings of the software, below are some benefits your company will observe after working with the recruitment software.

Saves Time and Cost

Whenever a company gets many applicants for the job positions, a lot of candidates are not suitable for the job. Therefore, with the recruiting applicant tracking system, there is no need to waste precious time by reviewing all the resumes when you can just see those most eligible for the position. Moreover, allocating a team just for the hiring process can cost a hefty amount to the company. However, the ATS system is cost-friendly and will save your company a lot of capital.

Efficient System

Recruiting ATS is flexible and efficient for both the recruiters and the candidates. The company gets insightful knowledge after getting valuable feedback from the candidate. Moreover, dealing with multiple Excel sheets, emails, and messages is not a hassle when everything is handled by a single tool. The candidates can also apply using the ATS system smoothly, which helps them to get a great experience. If the candidates get timely messages about the interviews and rejection, they are at peace. Additionally, it increases the brand image immensely.

Manageable Job Posting

To get the response of many people, posting about the job on multiple platforms is a must. However, logging in to every platform and posting the job can get tedious. But with the recruiting ATS, you can post about the job with just a single click. Also, the applicant tracking systems help you get all the analytics from each platform and bring it to you. The ATS system integrates a career page with your website with a single click.

Improved Quality of Candidates

If you want your company to prosper and compete with the top companies, getting an improved quality of applicants is necessary. Moreover, the top talents only stay up to 10 days in the market, so it is crucial to speed up the process. If your hiring process is swift, there is a high chance for you to get the best candidates management to select from, which will contribute to the overall growth of your firm. The hiring manager can choose the cream of crux employees from the group by getting a good pool of people to select from.

Key Features of Recruiting ATS

After looking at the set of benefits, it is now the right time to look at the key features of the applicant tracking system. These features will enable you to see how the software will help you make the hiring process effortless.

Customer Support

Initially, while getting the ATS, it is evident that there will be a set of questions that the recruiters will have. However, customer support will be ready to solve all your doubts. Therefore, looking for the ATS that provide the best customer support is essential. There are many recruiting ATS that come with the feature of built-in live chat, which is given via email or phone. Choose a SaaS provider that offers you a training and onboard program so that you can understand the workings of the software without any difficulty.


As every company is different and has various needs, selecting a recruiting ATS that understands your wants will be helpful. Go for a customizable applicant tracking system, which will save you from putting in a lot of effort. Look for features where you can change settings or personalize the keyword search. Applicant systems can be tweaked according to the company's need to find the best employees that fit the job criteria.

Manage and Schedule Interviews

If you have an excellent ATS, it will manage and schedule the interviews without any clashes. The recruiting ATS looks at the availability by checking the calendar of both the recruiter and the candidate to ensure no cancellations. It also reminds both parties by sending out alerts to reduce rescheduling of the interview to save time. Taking these precautions also helps to build a good impression on the candidate, which leads to a positive candidate experience.

Reports and Dashboards

It is essential to look at the insightful dashboards and results to make a proper decision. These analytics always help the company notice ways to improve its strategy in the future. There is nothing more reliable than a set of data, which is why you should select a recruiting applicant tracking system that gives accurate reports. By taking a glance at the powerful and most important KPI reports, it becomes much easier to see where you are falling short.

Pitch N Hire: The Ideal Recruitment Agency

If you are looking for the best recruitment agencies that can reduce your work of hiring the most talented employees, then look no further, as Pitch N Hire is here to help. Here are some reasons why you should hire employees from our website.

  • We give 96% of customer satisfaction and have a pool of more than 1M+ candidates.
  • You can slash your cost of hiring to a great extent with our software.
  • Moreover, we have a centralized system that helps to assess, find, and select tasks and candidates from one place.
  • We allow you to get powerful, streamlined hiring, which effortlessly creates, tracks, and manages job openings.
  • You get a hassle-free talent acquisition, which will give your company the ideal candidate you seek.
  • Maintaining a load of paperwork is unnecessary as our recruiting ATS aids in more innovative, faster, and more organized applications.


The hiring process can get lengthy and tedious if the hiring manager has to do everything independently. However, with advanced technology like recruiting Applicant tracking system, your company can hire quickly, saving time and cost. Moreover, this software helps your employees to put their primary focus on the task at hand. There is no need to feel the recruitment burden on your shoulders when the intelligent application tracking software manages all the work efficiently.

Ready to join? Contact Pitch N Hire to book a free demo.

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