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Best ATS Software with Top Rated Reviews

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Mon May 13 2024

5 min read

Best ats software

Applicant tracking systems (ATS) are software applications that help businesses manage the hiring process. They do this by automating many of the tasks involved in recruiting, such as screening resumes, scheduling interviews, and tracking applicant progress. Such a system can be especially helpful for small businesses that don't have the resources to hire a dedicated human resources department. 

With ATS, small businesses save time and money on recruiting. They can also help them to find the best candidates for their open positions. But if you're thinking about using the best ATS software in the USA, first let’s understand how they work. 

This article looks at the inner workings of the best ATS software. We will talk about how they can help you find the perfect employees for your business. We'll also discuss some of the benefits of using an ATS. So without further ado, let’s get right to it!

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How Does the Best ATS Software Work?

Applicant tracking systems (ATS) are software programs that help employers manage the recruiting and hiring process. ATSs scan resumes for keywords and phrases that are relevant to the job opening, and then they rank the resumes based on how well they match the criteria. Employers can then use the ATS to review the top-ranked resumes and select candidates for interviews.


ATSs can save employers a lot of time and money by automating many of the tasks involved in the recruiting process. They can also help find the best candidates for the job by screening out resumes that do not meet the minimum qualifications.

However, ATS can also be a barrier to entry for job seekers, especially those who do not have the skills or experience that are in high demand. Additionally, ATSs can sometimes discriminate against certain groups of job seekers, such as women and minorities.

Overall, ATSs are a valuable tool for employers, but they are important to use them carefully to avoid discrimination and to ensure that all job seekers have a fair chance of being considered for a job. Most of all, choosing the best ATS software in the market is crucial to ensure you hire without bias. With a good ATS, you can rest assured your hiring needs are going to be fulfilled while you focus elsewhere.

The Best ATS Software is Better Than Manual Hires: Myth or Reality?

ATS Software

So, the question remains: is ATS software really more lucrative in the long run? We say yes but only after weighing the pros and cons of both. The best ATS software is better than manual hires because it can:

  • Automate the screening process, which can save time and money.
  • Identify candidates who are a good fit for the job, based on their skills and experience.
  • Track candidates' progress through the hiring process.
  • Provide reports on the effectiveness of the hiring process.

ATS software can also help to reduce bias in the hiring process. By using objective criteria, such as skills and experience, ATS software can help to ensure that all candidates are evaluated fairly. Overall, ATS software can be a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes. It can help to streamline the hiring process, identify qualified candidates, and reduce bias.

However, note that even the best recruiting software in USA is not a perfect solution. Always use ATS software in conjunction with other hiring practices, such as interviews and reference checks. Additionally, it is necessary to properly configure your ATS software to identify the best candidates for the job.

How Does Application Tracking Software Know Which Candidates are Better?

application tracking software

The best ATS software in the USA uses a variety of methods to determine which candidates are better for a job. Some of these methods include:

Keyword Matching

The best ATS software scans resumes for keywords that are relevant to the job opening. Candidates whose resumes contain more of the desired keywords are often ranked higher in the applicant pool.

Skills and Experience

The best recruiting software can gauge a candidate's skills and experience based on the information in their resume. For example, the software may look for specific keywords or phrases related to the job, or it may use a scoring system to rank candidates based on their qualifications.


With the best ATS software, you get to assess a candidate's education by looking at the schools they attended, the degrees they earned, and their GPA.

Work History

ATS software can check a candidate's work history by analyzing the companies they have worked for, the positions they have held, and their job duties.


The best ATS software can also scan reference letters to get an idea of a candidate's work ethic and skills. This takes away the time to manually go through reference letters and choose the right candidate.

In addition to these methods, the best ATS software can also use artificial intelligence (AI) to assess candidates. AI can be used to analyze a candidate's: 

  • Resume
  • Cover letter
  • Interview 

Overall, the best ATS software uses a variety of methods to determine which candidates are better for a job. These methods can help employers to quickly and efficiently screen through a large number of resumes and identify the most qualified candidates for the job.

How to Tell the Best ATS Software from an Average One?

Applicant tracking systems (ATS) are a vital part of the hiring process for many businesses. However, not all ATS software are created equal. Some are better than others at finding the right candidates and helping businesses make informed hiring decisions.

best ATS

Here are a few things to look for when choosing the best recruiting software in the USA:

  • Flexibility: Make sure your ATS is flexible enough to meet the needs of your specific business. It should be able to integrate with your existing systems and allow you to customize the search criteria to find the best candidates for your open positions.
  • Accuracy: The best ATS software should be able to accurately identify and rank candidates based on their skills and experience. Check whether it can identify any red flags, such as gaps in employment or criminal records.
  • Ease of use: Any decent ATS will be easy to use, both for you and for your candidates. You will enjoy a user-friendly interface. This translates to quickly and easily finding the information you need.
  • Reporting: With a worthwhile ATS, you will get detailed reports on your hiring process. You can track your progress and identify areas where you have scope to improve.

If you're looking for an Application Tracking Software that can help you find the best candidates for your open positions, be sure to consider the factors listed above. The best ATS software can be a valuable tool for any business, but it's important to choose one that meets your specific needs.

How South Can Things Go With A Not-So-Good ATS Software?

ATS software

So, let’s say you decided to let your parsimonious side take over while picking ATS. How bad can it be? Well, it might not be as bad as manual hiring, but at the end of the day, there’s not much you will gain. Let’s look at a few such consequences of choosing subpar ATS:

Risk 1

Your company may miss out on top talent. The best ATS software should be able to identify and rank the best candidates for your open positions. If your ATS software is not great, you could miss out on qualified candidates who would be a great fit for your company.

Risk 2

You may spend more time and money on recruiting. A decent ATS software can save you time and money on recruiting. If your ATS software is not efficient, you may spend more time and money on recruiting than you need to.

Risk 3

Your hiring process may be disorganized. With the best ATS software, you streamline your hiring process. If your ATS software is not user-friendly, your hiring process may be disorganized and inefficient.

Risk 4

You may make hiring mistakes. ATS software worth its salt will help you avoid making hiring mistakes. If your ATS software is not accurate, it may lead to hiring mistakes that could cost your company money and time.

Risk 5

Your company may have a bad reputation. A bad hiring process can damage your company's reputation. If your ATS software is not up to par, you may have a bad hiring process that could damage your company's reputation.

To avoid these problems, it is important to choose the best ATS software- one that is right for your company. There are many different ATS software available. So do your research and compare different options before making a decision.

How to Get the Most Out of Your ATS Software?

Applicant tracking system

Getting ATS software is easy, but the hard part comes late. How to use it to its optimal limit? Well, good news is that it is not quite rocket-science. Follow a few best practices and you should be maximizing the ATS to its potential best. Remember a few things:

Choose the Best ATS Software

There are many ATS software programs available. Choose one that meets your specific needs. Consider the size of your company. Also don’t forget the types of jobs you're hiring for and your budget.

Use it Correctly

Once you've chosen an ATS software program, it's important to use it correctly. Understand how to use the program's features. Enter the correct information into the system.

Keep it Up-To-Date

Did you know ATS software is constantly being updated with new features and improvements? So, it is a good idea to always keep it up-to-date. This way you know you're using the latest features.

Train your Employees on How to Use it

If you're using an ATS software program, train your employees on how to use it. This will help them to find the information they need.

Monitor Performance

Don’t forget to monitor the performance of your ATS software to make sure it's meeting your needs. Track the number of resumes that are being processed. Always keep a check on the number of candidates that are being interviewed and the amount of hires being made.

Evaluate Regularly

It's a good idea to evaluate your ATS software on a regular basis. This will help you to know if the software is still meeting your needs. You will also know if there are any areas that could be improved.

Following these best practices will help ensure that you're getting the most out of the best ATS software. But remember, the most important thing still remains evaluating one ATS software against the other. And the final choice has to depend on several factors.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing the Best ATS Software

best ats software

Getting the best out of ATS is tricky. But still we insist on them over manual hires, and the reason has been well-established by now. So, now the question remains: what should your homework be before choosing the best ATS software? Below are a list of factors to consider before finalizing on one:

  • Company Size: Some ATS software is designed for small businesses, while others are designed for large enterprises. Make sure to choose an ATS that can accommodate the size of your company.
  • Type of Jobs y: Different ATS software are better suited for different types of jobs. For example, if you are hiring for technical positions, you will need an ATS that can screen for technical skills.
  • Budget: ATS software can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars per year. Always choose an ATS that fits your budget.
  • Features: Some ATS software have more features than others. Ensure you choose an ATS that has the features you need, such as applicant tracking, resume parsing, and candidate scoring.
  • User Interface: The user interface is important because it will determine how easy it is to use the ATS. Go for an ATS with a user-friendly interface. It should be easy to navigate.
  • Customer Support: Customer support is important in case you have any questions or problems using the ATS. Decide on an ATS with good customer support that is available to help you when you need it.

Remember, these are but a few of the many factors that can help decide which ATS software to choose. Try to dedicate considerable time to weighing the needs with what the ATS software promises. At the end, only decide on ones which satisfy your company’s future goals.

What’s the Takeaway About the Best Recruiting Software?

recruiting software

ATS software is a complex tool that you can use to screen resumes and applications for jobs. It is important to understand how the best ATS software works in order to create a resume that will be passed through the screening process. By following the tips in this article, you can increase your chances of a human recruiter seeing your resume.

Here are some things to remember:

  • Don’t forget to add relevant keywords throughout your resume.
  • Keep your resume concise and easy to scan.
  • Use a professional font and font size.
  • Proofread your resume carefully before submitting it.

By following these tips, you can create a resume that will pass through the ATS screening process. And as for recruiters, ATS software can go a long way in helping you find the best fit for your open positions. Let the best ATS software take over your hiring needs, and you’ll notice the difference in no time. 

Confused about which one the best ATS software is? Pitch N Hire’s FREE DEMO can give you a chance to take a sneak peek into a world of hiring strategies. Sign up today and make recruitment hassle-free while also improving it by leaps and bounds. 

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