Accelerate Hiring Success with Pitch N Hire’s
Dedicated Supporting Features

Accelerate Hiring Success with Pitch N Hire’s Dedicated Supporting Features

Enhance your hiring strategy with Pitch N Hire customer support and tools that aim to simplify every stage of the hiring process. Discover a robust suite of features designed to streamline your recruitment process, from attracting top talent to onboarding new hires.

Ensure Candidate Credibility

Protect Your Organization with Background Verification

Ensure candidate integrity and mitigate risks with Pitch N Hire customer support and background verification software. Verify employment history, education, criminal records, and more to make informed hiring decisions.

Deep Dive Checks

Investigate candidate history to ensure qualifications and character align with your standards.

Automated Verification

Streamline your process with efficient automation for faster turnaround times.

Legal Compliance

Conduct background checks in full adherence to legal and regulatory standards.

Data Privacy Shield

Protect sensitive candidate information with robust security measures.

Background Verification
Manage Multiple Entities with Ease

Manage Multiple Brands with One Platform

Efficiently handle recruitment for multiple companies or brands from our customer service employment agency’s centralized platform. Enjoy streamlined workflows, custom branding options, and consolidated reporting to optimize your hiring efforts across different entities.

  • Unified Control Panel- Manage multiple companies seamlessly from a single dashboard, saving time and effort.

  • Tailored Branding- Maintain unique brand identities for each company with our centralized management system.

  • Independent Workflows- Conduct separate recruitment processes for each company to meet specific hiring needs.

  • Valuable Company Insights- Gain insights into the performance of each company through detailed cross-company analytics.

  • Role-Based Permissions- Control user access and permissions based on their role within each company.

Multiple companies
Flexible Resource Allocation

Maximize Your ROI with Flexible Credit Transfers

Enjoy greater control and flexibility in managing your hiring resources. Transfer credits seamlessly between accounts or departments to allocate resources effectively. Optimize your spending and achieve maximum ROI on your recruitment investments.

Detailed Usage Tracking

Monitor credit allocation and consumption with detailed logs for complete transparency.

Flexible Credit Allocation

Easily transfer credits between accounts or departments to adapt to changing recruitment needs.

Budgetary Oversight

Maintain control over your recruitment spending with real-time budget tracking and alerts.

Timely Notifications

Receive timely notifications for credit transfers, low balances, and other important updates.

Credit transfer
Data-Driven Recruitment Decisions

Stay Informed with Our Robust Candidate Reporting Software

Make data-driven decisions to optimize your recruitment strategy. Our robust reporting tools provide actionable insights into candidate flow, time-to-hire, cost per hire, and more, allowing you to improve hiring efficiency and effectiveness. When in doubt, contact Pitch N Hire customer support!

Tailor-Made Reports

Get custom reports to analyze specific hiring metrics and trends in line with your business goals.

Real-Time Data Access

Use up-to-date recruitment data to make timely adjustments to your hiring strategies.

Pre-Built Report Templates

Identify areas for improvement with pre-designed report templates for key recruitment metrics.

Interactive Data Visualizations

Decode complex data with interactive dashboards to better understand recruitment performances.


Begin a seamless

recruiting journey today.