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What is the Importance of Applicant Tracking System?

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Mon Mar 04 2024

5 min read

importance applicant tracking system

An applicant tracking system is a software application helping companies in their recruitment process. It collects and organizes resumes. The hiring manager reviews and screens relevant candidates' data.

The importance of the applicant tracking system is that it scans and analyzes the resumes. The system filters applicants based on their skills. Recruiters then review the top-ranking candidates.

The system provides tools for communication and scheduling interviews. They can track candidates' progress as well. lt helps HR managers manage their time better and complete more tasks. Candidates can use these tools for optimizing their resumes. This helps them reach relevant job posts for applying. The system assists candidates with the employment process.

This blog provides a concise and clear explanation of applicant tracking systems. It covers the various aspects and benefits of using such systems.

Have you ever wondered what happens to a resume once we press the "submit" button? Let us find out how applicant tracking systems are changing the game for job applicants. Due to its various smart techniques for recruitment, we can see an increasing importance of applicant tracking system in today's job market.

Applicant tracking systems can scan and extract information from resumes. This helps employers develop a centralized database. Such databases contain candidate information. This makes it easy to find candidates with specific skills.

Applicant tracking system explained: These systems have become popular recently. They help reduce recruitment costs. Such tracking systems improve the hiring process. This serves as a valuable tool for employers. The system helps find the best candidates. Thus, companies can fill their open positions.

What does an Applicant Tracking System do?

The applicant tracking system work in favor of recruiters. It helps manage the hiring process. It also helps keep track of job applicants.

Importance of applicant tracking system: When a candidate applies for a job, the resume and application materials are uploaded in an ATS. The system scans through the documents. This helps extract key information. Such as the candidates' contact information, education, and skills.

Candidates' information is used to create a digital profile. The employers can access and review it. This allows employers to search through job applications. They can find candidates suiting the role.

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The applicant tracking system eases the recruitment process. It automates many recruitment tasks. The system can send emails, schedule interviews, and generate reports. It saves time and resources for employers. Application tracking systems are integrated with popular job boards. Job postings reach a wider audience.

What are the Features of an Applicant Tracking System?

An applicant tracking system is designed to help recruiters. The importance of applicant tracking system is that it eases the hiring process.

Hiring managers use this for efficient hiring.

Applicant tracking system features and benefits are:

  • Job Posting: Applicant tracking systems can automate job postings. Postings are done on job boards and social media platforms. It helps increase the visibility of the job opening. This attracts more candidates.
  • Resume Parsing: Such systems can parse resumes to extract candidates' information. Their contact details, experience, education, and skills are noted. This saves the recruiter a lot of time and effort.
  • Screening Candidates: Tracking systems screen candidates to find the most suitable ones. Recruiters set up screening questions. If candidates meet the criteria they can be hired.
  • Candidate Communication: Communication is automated in application systems. Candidates are sent rejection emails or interview schedules. Candidates are kept informed. This reduces the workload of recruiters.
  • Collaborative Hiring: Tracking systems allow multiple candidates to collaborate They can share feedback and notes within the system. This helps select the best candidate.
  • Interview Schedule: The importance of applicant tracking system is that it schedules interviews. The process is automatic. This eliminates the need for constant phone calls or emails.
  • Reports: These systems can provide reports and analytics. It can generate employment statistics. This helps hiring managers improve the process.

What are the Benefits of an AI-based Applicant Tracking System?

The use of artificial intelligence is becoming popular.

Recruiters use ai-based applicant tracking systems to streamline the recruitment process. It automates the initial screening and shortlisting of candidates.

Here are some of the benefits of AI-based tracking systems:

  • AI-based tracking systems help save recruiters time. A manual review of resumes is no longer required. The tracking system can determine if an applicant is suitable. Instead, recruiters can focus on other strategic tasks.
  • Candidates have a smooth and user-friendly experience. Features like job alerts and application tracking make the process easy. Candidates can stay updated on their application status. It makes them feel more engaged.
  • The importance of applicant tracking system is that it eliminates unconscious bias. It leads to a diverse and inclusive working environment. The system focuses on a candidate's qualifications.Applicant tracking systems reduce the risk of any bias.
  • AI-based tracking systems give an accurate view of the candidate's skills. It identifies resumes with keywords matching the job description. This helps recruiters make an informed hiring decision.
  • Applicant tracking systems reduce manual labor. This eliminates the risk of hiring mistakes. An automatic process saves the company's resources and money.
  • AI-based tracking systems can manage workload. This is beneficial for large companies.

Why use an Applicant Tracking System?

There are various reasons why companies choose an applicant training system.

Companies prefer it to manual recruitment. It saves the company time and resources. The importance of applicant tracking system is that chances of error are low.

Here is why applicant tracking systems are better:

Application tracking system saves time and effort. It automates routine tasks. Manually posting jobs on multiple job boards is time-consuming. This can be done with a few clicks in the applicant tracking system.

Let us see some reasons why applicant tracking systems are better:

  • Applicant tracking system helps companies manage large volumes of resumes.In a manual process, it is difficult to keep track. It is possible to miss a few candidates. However, the applicant tracking system eliminates this risk.
  • It has a centralized database. All resumes and cover letters are stored in them. Thus, recruiters can find candidates much faster.
  • The importance of applicant tracking system is that it improves the quality of hire. The system screens applications with efficiency. This filters out unqualified candidates early and saves time and money.
  • Screening decreases the number of interviews. It also increases the chance of finding a suitable candidate.
  • Applicant tracking systems are compliant with laws. They follow regulations in job postings. The candidate's data is secure and confidential in such a system, whereas manual process threatens data security.

How does Applicant Tracking System Benefit Job Candidates?

Applicant tracking systems are popular. They ease the requirement process. It helps recruiters make faster decisions. Many companies are adopting this system.

Here is how the applicant tracking system helps candidates:

  • Candidates can apply for jobs quicker. They create an online profile and submit their resumes. The software analyzes the documents and recommends suitable jobs. This helps candidates save time and effort.
  • The importance of applicant tracking system is providing candidates with a fair evaluation process. There is no human bias involved. The system evaluates candidates based on their skills.All unconscious bias is avoided and candidates are chosen on their merit.
  • Candidates also receive feedback on their application. This helps them understand their weaknesses. Thus candidates can strengthen their resumes and land jobs.
  • Candidates can apply for multiple jobs in the same company. The system increases their chances of getting selected.
  • Application tracking systems make the application process easy. It has transparency. The feedback helps candidates and saves them time. It also improves their application quality.


The importance of applicant tracking system is that it's a powerful software.

The software is helping companies. It allows employers to automate many manual tasks of hiring.

Employers can sort resumes, schedule interviews, and communicate with candidates.

Companies save their time and resources by using applicant tracking systems. The accuracy of the hiring process is improved.

An application tracking system is a useful tool for successful hiring. If it is used with other methods like personal referrals and candidate assessments it brings out the best result.

Job seekers must know of the system's limitations. Optimizing a resume increases the chances of selection. Employees should not rely only on applicant tracking systems. They should use other methods as well. They should take time to review resumes.

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