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3 Entry-Level Android Developer Resume Examples in 2024

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Mon Jul 01 2024

5 min read

android developer resume

Key Takeaways

  • Crafting an effective Android developer resume is essential for securing your desired job.
  • Use specific examples and metrics to highlight achievements.
  • Ensure your resume showcases your skills and experience effectively.
  • Tips provided help your resume pass ATS filters and impress employers.
  • Following these guidelines increases your chances of securing interviews.

Are you an aspiring Android developer dreaming of landing that perfect job? One of the most important steps to making this dream a reality is creating an effective Android developer resume. It tells employers who you are, what you can do, and why you are the best fit for the job.

But, before a human even looks at your resume, it often has to pass through the Applicant Tracking System. This ATS software scans your resume for keywords and qualifications, deciding if you are a match for the job. If your resume doesn't make the cut, it might never be seen by a hiring manager.

Therefore, creating an Android developer resume that stands out to both the ATS and potential employers is crucial. It is not just about listing your skills and experiences; it is about presenting them in a way that's clear, concise, and aligned with the job you want. In this blog, you will learn how to craft a resume to help you land your dream job.

Job Responsibilities of An Android Developer

Before you create an Android developer resume, you must know about the job responsibilities of an Android developer.

Designing and Building Apps

An Android Developer's main job is to create apps for smartphones and tablets that use the Android operating system. So, they design how the app looks and works, ensuring everything fits together perfectly.

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Writing Code

Android Developers must be proficient in code skills to bring their apps to life. Therefore, you must have expertise in languages like Java, C, C++, Kotlin, etc.

Testing and Debugging

Once the app is built, it needs to be tested to ensure everything works correctly. If there are any problems, the developer has to fix them. This process is called debugging.

Collaborating with Team Members

Developers rarely work alone. They often team up with UX designers, testers, and project coordinators to successfully create an app. So, the developer makes sure their part of the app fits in with everyone else's work.

Learning New Skills

The tech world moves fast, so Android Developers must keep learning about new tools or programming languages.

Participating in Code Reviews

Before new code is added to an app, other developers review it to catch any mistakes. This helps keep the app's code clean and efficient.

Understanding User Needs

Additionally, developers need to consider who will use their app and what they want from it. They might talk to users or look at feedback to understand these needs.

Optimizing Performance

Developers also work hard to ensure that their apps run smoothly and quickly. They must optimize the app's performance by making the code as efficient as possible.

Integrating APIs

APIs are tools that let different software programs talk to each other. Android Developers often use APIs to add features to their apps, like maps or social media sharing.

Supporting Different Devices

Android devices come in all shapes and sizes, from small phones to big tablets. And developers make sure their apps work well on all these devices.

Now that you know the job responsibilities of an Android developer, you can easily create an Android developer resume.

What To Include in Android Developer Resume?

Now, we will see what to include in the Android developer resume. There are different sections of a resume, each with its own significance. To create an Android developer resume it is important to understand what to include in each one.

Profile Summary

Firstly, start with a summary at the top of your resume. Android Developer profile summary is a brief introduction where you tell people who you are and what you do. As a result, employers get a quick idea of who you are and why they should keep reading.


"Hi! I'm an experienced Android Developer who loves building cool and user-friendly apps. With over 3 years in the industry, I’ve created several successful apps and am always excited to learn new things."

Technical Skills

The section on technical skills is one of the most critical parts of an Android developer's resume. So, list the tools and programming languages you know how to use. Employers want to know if you have the specific skills they need for the job. So, this section in the Android developer resume shows you have the technical chops to handle the work.


Programming Languages: Java, Kotlin

Tools: Android Studio, Git

APIs: Google Maps API, Firebase

Soft Skills

Soft skills are personal traits that help you work well with others and handle different situations. Therefore, mention skills like teamwork, problem-solving, and communication. These skills show you are not just good with computers but also good with people and challenges.


Teamwork: Worked closely with designers and testers to create seamless apps.

Problem-Solving: Quickly fixed bugs to improve app performance.

Communication: Clearly explained technical details to non-technical team members.

Work Experience

Additionally, list your previous jobs related to Android development in the Android developer resume. For each job, include the job title, company name, dates you worked there, and what you did. This section shows what you have done and the impact you have made in your previous roles.


Android Developer, Cool Apps Inc.

June 2020 - May 2023


  1. Developed and launched a popular fitness app with over 50,000 downloads.
  2. Improved app speed by optimizing code.


Next, mention your educational background. Include the name of the school, degree, and the year you graduated. This tells employers about your formal training and academic background.


Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Tech University, 2020


Also, highlight some cool projects you have worked on, especially if they weren't part of a job. Include what the project was, what tools you used, and what you accomplished. Projects show your initiative and ability to create things on your own. So, it is a great way to demonstrate your skills.


Helped to ideate and create MyWeatherApp while in university.

  • Created a weather app using Kotlin and the OpenWeather API.
  • Integrated real-time weather updates and a user-friendly design.
  • Received positive feedback from users for its accuracy and simplicity.


Additionally, if you have taken any special courses or earned certifications, list them here. Certifications show that you have gone the extra mile to learn and prove your skills.


Certified Android Developer from Google

Advanced Java Programming from Coursera

By including these sections in your Android developer resume, you will create a clear and compelling picture of who you are and what you can do. This will make it easier for employers to see why you would be a great fit for their team!

Android Developer Resume Example

Here are 3 Android developer resume examples:

John Doe

LinkedIn | GitHub | | (123) 456-7890 | San Francisco, CA

Professional Summary

Highly skilled and innovative Android Developer with 5+ years of experience in designing, developing, and maintaining high-performance mobile applications. Proficient in Java, Kotlin, and the Android SDK, with a strong focus on delivering seamless user experiences. Adept at collaborating with cross-functional teams to bring concepts to life and meet project deadlines. Seeking to leverage expertise to contribute to a forward-thinking tech company.

Technical Skills

  1. Languages: Java, Kotlin, XML, Python
  2. Frameworks & Libraries: Android SDK, Jetpack, Retrofit, Dagger, RxJava
  3. Tools: Android Studio, Git, Gradle, Firebase, Jira, Trello
  4. Databases: SQLite, Room, Realm, MySQL
  5. APIs: RESTful APIs, Google APIs, JSON, XML
  6. Other: Agile/Scrum, Unit Testing, UI/UX Design, Material Design, Continuous Integration

Professional Experience

1. Senior Android Developer

XYZ Tech Solutions, San Francisco, CA

June 2020 - Present

  1. Led a team of 5 developers in creating and maintaining 10+ high-traffic Android applications, enhancing user engagement by 30%.
  2. Designed and implemented advanced features using Kotlin and the latest Jetpack components.
  3. Improved app performance by 25% through code optimization and refactoring.
  4. Integrated third-party APIs and services such as Firebase, Google Maps, and payment gateways.

2. Android Developer

ABC Mobile Innovations, San Francisco, CA

May 2017 - May 2020

  1. Developed and launched 8+ Android applications, achieving an average rating of 4.5 stars on Google Play Store.
  2. Migrated legacy code from Java to Kotlin, enhancing app stability and reducing crashes by 20%.
  3. Implemented CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins and GitLab, reducing deployment time by 40%.
  4. Worked closely with backend developers to design and consume RESTful APIs, ensuring efficient data flow.

3. Junior Android Developer

TechStart Solutions, San Francisco, CA

January 2015 - April 2017

  1. Assisted in developing 5+ Android apps, focusing on bug fixing and feature enhancements.
  2. Collaborated with QA teams to identify and resolve issues, ensuring high-quality app releases.
  3. Participated in Agile/Scrum meetings, contributing to sprint planning and retrospective sessions.
  4. Gained hands-on experience with various Android libraries and frameworks, accelerating professional growth.


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

University of California, Berkeley

Graduated: May 2014


  1. Android Developer Nanodegree - Udacity
  2. Certified Kotlin Developer - JetBrains


  1. Weather App: Developed a weather forecasting app using Kotlin and Retrofit, featuring real-time updates and location-based services.
  2. E-commerce App: Built an e-commerce platform with integrated payment gateways, product listings, and user authentication.
  3. Chat Application: Created a real-time chat application using Firebase Firestore, supporting multimedia messaging and notifications.

Professional Affiliations

  1. Member, Android Developers Group (ADG)
  2. Contributor, Open Source Projects on GitHub
  3. Speaker, Annual Android Developer Conference

Use this example of an Android developer resume to make an effective CV that can easily pass through an best ATS software. There are multiple resume parsing software that companies use to shortlist resumes. Pitch N Hire is one such ATS software that offers resume parsing and helps employers find the right candidate. So, use the right keywords, skills, and experiences to get the interview call.


Creating an effective Android developer resume is the ultimate way to land your dream job. Additionally, your resume is not just a list of what you have done, it also showcases your skills, experience, and passion for app development.

By following the steps given in the blog, you can craft a resume that stands out to both ATS software and hiring managers. Make sure to include key sections like your profile summary, technical skills, work experience, and education. Use specific examples and metrics to highlight your achievements. With a well-crafted resume, you will increase your chances of getting noticed and landing interviews.

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