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Basic Tips To Keep In Mind While Making Your Freelancer Resume

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Sat Dec 02 2023

5 min read

freelancer resume tips

A freelancer's resume is one of the most important documents for any freelancer. This is something that your upcoming clients see and go through before they consider you or give you the job. Therefore, a freelancer's resume must be curated with proper care and you should look into it properly. By utilizing a few tips here and there, you’ll be able to curate one of the best resumes for freelancing. By doing so, you’re bound to get many clients and thereby increase your scope of work. When it comes to creating a freelancer resume, many people get confused about a variety of its aspects including the profile summary for freelancers. 

Most people get out of it by simply putting their query on Google or any other web browser to find the best freelancer profile summary sample for beginners. This can help them create something unique for themselves which will be sure to get more and more clients your way. 

Best 4 Tips For Making a Freelancer Resume

To help you out with the creation of a freelancer resume, here are some basic tips that you should keep in your mind while making your freelancer resume and you should be good. 

Be on the Point

One of the very important aspects to start with a freelancer's resume is to be on point with it. You have to ensure that you are precise and are not writing stories about your experiences elsewhere. Let’s face it, no one has the time to read that and nobody will. It will only throw all the clients away from you. To ensure that this doesn’t happen, make sure that your resume is not very cluttered and is crisper about what you’re trying to convey. You can use bullet points and small paragraphs but if something exceeds even a few lines, it can’t be there on your freelancer resume unless it’s very necessary such as in the case of a profile summary for freelancers. 

Other than that, it is not preferred that you elaborate much about what you’re trying to say in the resume. The resume is meant to ensure that you can put forward a point and tell your client what you’re capable of. Just give him the gist of it and let your work do the rest of the talking. 

Hide What’s Not Necessary

When you’re noting down the work experiences there are many mistakes that freelancers make. They add so many unnecessary work experiences just to show that they’ve done a lot of work before this assignment. However, this is not something that is advised to do. Experts have said that if your resume is irrelevant and cluttered, then no client will be interested in hiring you for the job. Therefore, you should ensure that you are using the work experiences only which correspond to the type of job that you’re applying to. 

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This ensures that you maintain a certain sense of relevance in your freelancer resume. In addition to this, ensure that when you’re listing down your work experience, it should be done in chronological order with the most recent project listed first. Just mention those projects that are important and seem to go with what you’re applying for now. 

Show Them Your Impact

Everyone can say and brag endlessly about themselves, so how can you set yourself apart from them? Show your clients your results and the impact that your work has had on others. For this, you can just use some figures from your previous assignments wherein your intervention or your work and ideas have helped them grow. 

Now, consider that you have two options to hire. One option has good skills but not mentioned an experience where he has profited from the firm that he was working at. And the second candidate has the same set of skills and has also doubled the sales of the company where he last worked, considering it’s a sales position. Who would you hire? Everyone would choose the person with a good sales example. This is because you have shown the effect that you’ve cast and will therefore help you advance further in your career. 

Profile Summary for a Freelancer

You cannot emphasize enough the profile summary for freelancer resumes. This is because they can change the whole game and are very important. The profile summary is just a few lines or sentences that describe to the client why you’ll be a suitable choice for the job. For example, you can write something like “I’ve had three years of experience and have received 5-star ratings from all my previous employees due to my on-time work”. This might make you think that what about those beginners who don’t have experience or star ratings to brag about? In such a case, they can always use their skills and mention those top skills which are required by the employer. 

This can be done by checking the job description and thereby modifying your profile summary around that. Another good method that you can opt for reference is to search online for freelancer profile summary samples for beginners. Here you can find many such options that will give you an idea about what type of summary to look for and then you can mold it to be used for your situation. This is the best approach to looking for a good freelancer resume profile summary. 


A freelancer's resume is all about the presentation and correct depiction of what you’re capable of. If you’re successful in doing this, you’ll easily be able to get more clients based on it. However, you must ensure that you put a profile summary for freelancers right above your document to ensure that the client can go through that. Many clients can also be impressed based on that which is why it is of that much importance. Having skills is not enough when it comes to creating a resume. You have to present them in a manner that the client is impressed and thinks that you’re capable of handling his next project. Therefore, a freelancer's resume is a good way to impress clients and put forward your first impression.


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