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Best Applicant Tracking System Bahrain With Free Demo

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Tue Mar 26 2024

5 min read

Applicant Tracking System Bahrain

Businesses in Bahrain are turning to applicant tracking system Bahrain, such as Pitch N Hire, to simplify their hiring processes and remain competitive. With features like accuracy, user-friendliness, and data security, companies can choose the best ATS system to meet their needs and drive success in Bahrain’s dynamic business prospect.

Now, you don't only need to be competitive in doing business but also to get the best talent to help you do your business. The job market has become highly competitive, not only from a job seeker's perspective but also from an employer's point of view.

Now businesses in Bahrain are employing applicant tracking system Bahrain to increase their efficiency and snatch the best talent from the job market before anyone else does. What are you waiting for? Choose the best ATS system to find the candidate who is the right fit for your company.

In this article, you will know the reason why everyone is boarding the train of the ATS system to reach their destination of finding the right candidate. Plus, you will learn how much of your budget you need to keep for using recruitment software and the points to remember to choose the best one. Let's hop on and begin the journey to find the best ATS system.

Why are Companies Using Applicant Tracking System Bahrain?

So, picture this: as businesses grow, they'll naturally need to hire more people and upgrade their tech to make hiring more manageable and efficient. While the old-fashioned methods might have done the trick in the past, they just won't cut it anymore with how fast-paced and competitive recruitment has become. So, it's time for companies to level up and modernize how they find and bring in new talent.

Businesses in Bahrain use an applicant tracking system for the following reasons:

1. To Remain Competitive

Using Baharain recruitment software simplifies hiring by enhancing the candidate experience, increasing applicant flow, and saving time and money. With better quality hires, businesses gain a competitive edge in their industries. It's like having a supercharged tool that helps find the right talent and elevates the company's standing in the market.

2. To Grow The Business

Applicant tracking system Bahrain helps businesses in Bahrain grow by finding talented team members who generate great ideas and help achieve company goals, boosting revenue and expanding reach. Additionally, it saves time and money in hiring, enhances productivity, and encourages innovation. In short, ATS is a valuable tool for overall business improvement and success.

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3. To Improve the Quality of Hire

Imagine having a super helpful tool that can spot the perfect candidate for you and weed out the ones who aren't quite right. That's what an AI applicant tracking system does.

Using an ATS, you can save time and effort by automatically weeding out candidates who don't fit the bill. And guess what? Using the ATS means hiring better-suited candidates, which boosts your chances of keeping them around for the long term.

4. To Boost the Employer's Brand

Businesses use the best ATS software in Bahrain to enhance candidate experience in today's job market. A modern, organized, and engaging recruitment process adds value to the company and applicants.

ATS strengthens employer branding throughout the candidate journey from job posts to email communications, ensuring a positive company perception and attracting top talent.

5. Remove Bias and Increase Diversity

In Bahrain, using an applicant tracking system Bahrain makes hiring faster and smoother by focusing solely on finding the best talent, regardless of gender, race, or nationality, thus enhancing diversity recruitment. Features like scorecards help eliminate biases, boosting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. This enhances productivity and aligns with the preferences of job seekers in Bahrain, who value fairness and diversity in the workplace.

Businesses in Bahrain choose HR Solutions Bahrain to stay competitive, grow, improve hiring quality, boost employer branding, and promote diversity using the best applicant tracking system.

What is the Cost of Bahrain Recruitment Software?

Now, after learning that other businesses in Bahrain use the ATS system, you also want to level up your recruitment game. But you are confused about how much of a budget you must assign to add the best applicant tracking system in Bahrain to your recruitment process.

Plus, figuring out the cost versus the benefits can be tricky when it comes to ATS. They all have different processes and services. So, it's important to know what you're paying for.

Here's a simple guide to ATS companies' most common pricing models. This way, you can research and understand what you're getting for your money before deciding.

The price you'll pay for Bahrain hiring platforms depends on your company's size and what you need. It could be free or go up to over $100,000. It really varies.

So, it's important to determine what works best for your company's size and requirements before diving in. Here is a breakdown of the different pricing models for the applicant tracking system Bahrain:

  1. Pay per Recruiter: You pay based on how many recruiters need access. Ideal for companies with a standard number of recruiting managers each month, costing around $60 to $100 uses per month.
  2. Pay per Employee: Charges based on the number of employees hired, suitable for startups or small businesses, ranging from $4 to $7 per employee per month.
  3. Pay Per Job Opening/Applicant: Charges per job opening or applicant, great for consistent hiring, costing between $5 to $19 per active job position and/or a fee per resume of $0.1 to $20.
  4. Flat Fee: One-time purchase with unlimited access, ideal for those confident in their ATS choice, starting at $200 or more.
  5. Free and Open Source: Downloadable but requires technical expertise for setup and customization. Best for those comfortable tinkering with technology, with costs incurred for in-house tech help and upgrades.

Consider your company's size, hiring frequency, and budget when choosing the right pricing model for your ATS needs.

How Do You Select the Best ATS Software in Bahrain?

The following section will cast light on how you can choose the best applicant tracking system Bahrain and the checklist you should keep in mind.

1. Measure the Accuracy of ATS

Before investing in hiring software systems, ensure your ATS accurately parses resumes. While it may recognize terms like "human resources," variations like "HR" could slip through.

Harvard Business Review found that 88% of employers faced issues with their ATS not identifying relevant resumes due to strict criteria. Testing your ATS for accuracy beforehand is crucial to avoid missing out on qualified candidates.

2. User-friendly Interface

If your ATS is hard to use, it can cause mistakes, slow down work, and make hiring challenging. That's why it's crucial to have a user-friendly interface. It helps HR work better and saves time and money on training. Plus, it improves how candidates are treated and boosts overall HR success.

3. Check Flexibility ATS Offers

Just like how technology evolves from desktops to laptops to mobile phones, recruiting trends change, too. Your hiring software should keep up with these changes. If it's stuck in the past, you must repurchase new software. So, investing in a system that grows with you is better, saving you from spending on upgrades later.

4. Assess the Speed of the ATS

Have you ever closed a website or app because it took forever to load? It's frustrating, right? It turns out that 53% of people do the same if a site takes more than 3 seconds to load. If your ATS is slow, you'll miss out on top candidates. Once they're gone, they are gone for good. So, ensure your applicant tracking system Bahrain is fast enough to snatch up the best talent before it's too late.

5. Ensure Data Security

Keep your data safe in the cloud. Recruitment software holds sensitive information meant for your eyes only. Ensure your ATS follows the current security standards and encrypts all data to prevent unauthorized access. It's crucial to safeguard private information and comply with security protocols to protect your company and candidates' privacy.

6. Reporting Analytics & Compliance Features

Recruitment KPIs are crucial for refining the hiring process. The reporting and compliance feature in your applicant tracking system Bahrain tracks candidates' progress, including applications, time to fill positions and team productivity.

Your hiring software should generate insightful reports from this data to aid decision-making and drive improvement. Recruitment analytics reports guide future plans for enhancing work activities and organizational performance.

To sum up, when picking a recruiting ATS for your Bahrain business, focus on features like accuracy, ease of use, flexibility, speed, and data security. Make sure you choose a system that fits your needs and helps your company succeed.

Pitch N Hire: The Topmost HR Solutions Bahrain

Pitch N Hire stands out as the top platform for talent acquisition in Bahrain for several compelling reasons.

  • User Satisfaction Rate- An impressive 98% satisfaction rate indicates high user appreciation. It demonstrates users' love and trust in the platform's performance.
  • Pre-Assessed Candidate Pool- Over 5 million pre-assessed candidates are available. It ensures access to a vast talent pool for recruitment purposes. It saves time and effort in candidate sourcing and candidate assessment.
  • Average Review Score- Boasts an average review score of 4.9. It signifies high-quality service and user experience. Plus, it reflects the platform's reliability and excellence.
  • Integration Capability- Pitch N Hire offers over 27 integrations with various tools. It enhances the versatility and usability of the platform. Further, it seamlessly connects with other systems, improving workflow efficiency.

To get all these benefits, join our community and book a FREE DEMO today.


In today's fast-changing business world, staying ahead in hiring is crucial. Using an applicant tracking system Bahrain makes hiring easier and your HR work better overall. Whether it's boosting your company's image, embracing diversity, or keeping data safe, the right ATS brings many benefits.

When choosing an ATS tool, you must consider your business needs and budget. It's also important to consider how accurate, easy to use, and fast the ATS is.

In short, investing in a good ATS isn't just about keeping up with others. It's about ensuring your hiring workflow stays strong, helping your company grow and succeed in Bahrain's ever-changing business world. For those in Bahrain, PNH is the go-to choice for a reliable, flexible, and secure ATS to power up your hiring process and drive your company forward.

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