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Best Human Resources Staffing Agencies USA

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Wed Jun 19 2024

5 min read

Human Resources Staffing Agencies.png

Hiring candidates can be time-consuming work. Here is where HR staffing agencies come into play. Learn about human resource staffing agencies, how it works, its advantages, whether it can be replaced and the best agencies in the USA. 

The USA is a hub of diverse industries, companies and niches. These are growing rapidly day by day. As these companies grow, they need more and more good employees. Every company needs talented and correct candidates for their company. And this is where human resources staffing agencies come into play.

These agencies play a crucial role in making it possible for companies to find hidden talent in the market and also help them hire these. However, this does not end by only bridging the gap between the employer and the talented employee. These HR staffing agencies provide a wide variety of facilities to the company. Let us learn more about them.

What is a Human Resource Staffing Agency?

Human resources staffing agencies are also known as recruitment agencies or HR staffing firms. These are the companies that form a bridge between employers and employees by connecting the employers with talented employees. They provide candidates according to the needs of the company.

They can provide candidates for filling temporary positions, permanent positions and even on a contract basis. They are like a middleman present in the market for the smooth hiring of talented employees.

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How Do Human Resources Staffing Agencies Work?

  • A company or organization contacts these agencies to hire employees. They provide information on what kind of employee they are looking for. This may include the job qualification, experience, availability to work immediately, ability to move to a particular location, and similar conditions.
  • After getting to know the requirements of the company, the human resources staffing agencies conduct an active search. They already have a large talent pool at their disposal. They source candidates according to the needs of the company and shortlist the candidates who fit perfectly in the description of the company.
  • After shortlisting the potential candidates, the agency conducts further screening and selection process. This includes conducting personal interviews, group discussions, and assessment of skills with the help of various pre-assessment tools. The agency also checks the references and conducts a background check and compatibility of the candidate with the given job vacancy.
  • After the screening, the human resources staffing agencies prepare a list of candidates that pass through the screening candidate and video interview rounds. This list is given to the client, in this case, the company or firm, and they can select the most suitable candidate. They can even conduct an interview or screening round of their own to select the most appropriate candidate.
  • If the client company is satisfied with the results and wants to hire someone, they can prepare for the onboarding process of the company. Depending on the type and position of the vacancy, an agreement is created between the employer and the candidate.
  • The human resources staffing agencies receive remuneration based on the number and positions of candidates hired. Generally, it is equivalent to one month's salary of the hired employee but can be any other criteria as the staffing agency thinks fit.
  • Many human resources staffing agencies provide further assistance related to employee hiring, like the onboarding process, training and even consultancy, to ensure the company and the employee have fewer problems while getting used to each other.

Advantages of Human Resources Staffing Agencies

HR staffing agencies can be quite useful for companies. Here is how:

Efficient and Faster Way of Hiring

HR staffing agencies provide a faster hiring process than what a company conducts. This saves a ton of time for the agency and allows them to employ people on an emergency basis, too. These agencies not only provide fast hiring but also efficient hiring. They search for the best candidates in the market for available vacancies.

Access to a Huge Talent Pool

These human resources staffing agencies have a huge talent pool at quick disposal. There are many candidates from multiple sources in their database. Taking the help of these agencies allows the company to choose from a large number of talented people. This increases the chances of good hires and also provides a chance to access candidates on an international level. This can help the company in building a diverse environment.

Better Quality Candidates

The HR staffing agencies conduct active research in the market for the required candidates. After shortlisting the qualified candidates, these candidates go through multiple rounds of screenings through candidate interviews, candidate assessments and background checks. So, at the very least, only dedicated and high-quality candidates are left. Thus, with the help of human resources staffing agencies, companies have a good chance of hiring better-quality candidates.

Decreased Hiring Risk

Hiring through a human resources staffing agency provides a chance for the company to hire employees on a trial period. During this trial period, the company checks the compatibility of the employee with the company. The company can just deny the candidate after the trial period if it feels that the candidate is not the correct choice for the vacancy. This option is not available to the company many times after they hire a candidate. Thus, human resources staffing agencies decrease the hiring risk for the company.

Lessons Workload

The hiring process is very lengthy and time-consuming. The company may not have such an extensive time for hiring a candidate. Thanks to human resources staffing agencies, companies need not take this stress. These agencies decrease the workload related to the hiring of candidates. This helps the company to concentrate on the required fields rather than on the hiring process.

Can the Human Resources Staffing Agencies be Replaced?

Yes, these agencies are replaceable in this world full of technologies. Every company need not hire human resources staffing agencies as many advanced software conduct the work of these agencies efficiently. Software like candidate relationship management (CRM) and applicant tracking system (ATS) is built to improve the relationship between candidates and employers and ease up the hiring process of the company.

CRM is a management software that efficiently manages the communication process between the candidate and the employer. It has a huge pool of candidates in its database, which it keeps on updating from various resources like job boards and job sites. This helps the company to have a huge amount of talented people at their disposal.

Whereas human resources ATS is built to ease the hiring process of the company. The ATS software conducts every process for the company, from posting an appropriate job vacancy on various job sites to onboarding the selected candidates. It carries out every other process between these two, like scanning the resumes, sorting them, scheduling interviews, and communicating with the candidates.

Thus, we can say that human resources staffing agencies are replaceable but still have a stronghold in the market as many believe human work is better than software like ATS and CRM, as this software lacks a human touch.

Best Human Resources Staffing Agencies in the USA

USA has many HR staffing agencies, out of which these are the best in the market:

  • Pitch N Hire: We have been around for a long time, and we have seen the trends in the recruitment industry. Be it permanent staffing, contractual work, or temporary hires, and Pitch N Hire can help you get to your ideal employees in a short span of time. Hundreds of Fortune companies have trusted us, and our resume speaks on behalf of our success.
  • Abacus Group: Abacus Group is a company having its headquarters in New York, USA. It is available at 2 more locations in Santa Monica, USA. In the staffing market, they specialize in Finance and Accounting, Human Resources, IT and Engineering, Marketing and Sales, Office, Retail and a Hospitality industries.
  • Acclivity Healthcare: Acclivity Healthcare has its headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. In the staffing industry, they specialize in the Healthcare, Human Resources, Office, Retail and Hospitality industries.
  • Adecco: Adecco has its headquarters in Jacksonville, Florida, USA and is present in 13 more locations across the USA. This is one of the best human resources staffing agencies for clinical and scientific, finance and accounting, healthcare, human resources, IT and engineering, industrial marketing and sales, office, retail and hospitality industries.
  • Peterson Technology Partners: Peterson Technology Partners has its headquarters in Park Ridge, Illinois, USA. They hold expertise in staffing Human Resources, IT and Engineering, Marketing and Sales industries.
  • Sparks Group: Sparks Group has its headquarters in Rockville, Maryland, USA. They are one of the best human resources staffing agencies for Clinical and Scientific, Finance and Accounting, Government, Human Resources, IT and Engineering, Industrial, Legal, Management and Sr. Executive, Marketing and Sales, Nonprofit, Office, Retail and Hospitality, and Real Estate industries.


Even though these agencies are replaceable by software, they still hold great importance in the market. This is because the software might stop working or even misbehave and cannot provide appropriate candidates at times. There is no guarantee that the software will provide you with the best candidate. However, human resources staffing agencies provide an unsaid guarantee for the quality of candidates. It is for sure that the agency will find a good candidate for the vacancy in the company.

Pitch N Hire is a platform that provides hassle-free talent acquisition to companies. It uses technology to build superior teams for the company. It elevates your recruitment experience and provides high-quality and quick hires. We provide one of the best human resources software in the market. So, visit our website today and book a free demo.

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