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How to Improve Employee Motivation - Importance & Benefits

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Mon Jul 29 2024

5 min read

Employee Motivation

Key Takeaways

  • Employee motivation hinges on intrinsic and extrinsic factors.
  • Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory is pivotal in understanding motivation.
  • 16 actionable strategies are available to boost engagement and satisfaction.
  • Incentives and empowerment are crucial components of a positive work environment.
  • A thriving workforce is essential for organizational success.

Ever wondered what keeps employees pumped up and ready to give their best at work? In this blog, we will dive into the secrets of employee motivation, exploring how companies can inspire their teams to perform at their best. From understanding different types of motivation to practical strategies for keeping employees engaged, get ready to unlock the key to workplace success!

What is Employee Motivation?

Employee motivation is like the energy that helps workers do their best. It's about how excited and dedicated they feel about their jobs. When motivated, employees are eager to work hard and be creative.

So, what makes people motivated? It's not just about money and promotions. It's also about feeling appreciated for their efforts, having chances to learn and grow, and being in a positive workplace.

When workers are motivated, they don't just do the basics. They go above and beyond, which boosts productivity and inspires others. But if motivation is low, people might only do what's necessary and start looking for other jobs.

However, the good news is that companies can help motivate employees. It's not just about money. Flexible schedules, opportunities to learn new things, and simple recognition can make a big difference.

In short, employee motivation is about how excited and involved workers are in their jobs. It's about feeling empowered to make a difference and being happy to work together as a team.

What are the Benefits of Highly Motivated Employee?

Highly motivated employees are a game-changer for any company. Let's explore the top benefits of motivating employees in the workplace, backed by compelling statistics.

Handling Uncertainty

Motivated employees deal with challenging situations better. Did you know they are 43% more productive? That means they are confident and know how to handle tricky situations.

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Great Problem-Solvers

They are like puzzle masters. When faced with challenges, motivated employees roll up their sleeves and work on solutions.

Innovative Thinkers

They are full of bright ideas! Motivated employees are always thinking of new ways to make things better.

Proactive Doers

They don't sit around waiting for things to happen. Motivated employees take charge and get things done.

Super Productive

They are like productivity machines! With their motivation fueling them, they get heaps more done than others.

Understanding Goals

Motivated employees know where they are headed. They understand the company's goals and work hard to achieve them.

Achieving Personal Goals

Not only do they nail company goals, but they also rock their own personal ones.

Team Players

They are not just in it for themselves. A motivated employee is a great team player, working together to reach those big goals.


They care about making customers happy. That means better service all around.

High Retention Rates

They stick around! Companies with motivated employees have an 87% higher retention rate.


Change doesn't scare them. Motivated employees are flexible and quick to adjust.

Positive Influence

They spread good vibes! One has to focus on employee motivation as motivated employees uplift the whole team and create a positive culture employees workplace.

Keeping employees motivated is important for companies to thrive. They are more productive, innovative, and loyal, driving success and fostering a positive work environment.

What are the types of employee motivation?

Understanding the different types of motivation is key to keeping employees engaged. Let's explore what gets people going at work from inner drive to external rewards.

Intrinsic Motivation

This is when an employee motivation drive comes from within themselves. They do things because it feels good to them, like achieving a personal goal or doing something they love. They feel a sense of satisfaction and pride in what they do.

Extrinsic Motivation

This type of employee motivation comes from outside factors, like rewards for employees to motivate themselves or recognition from the management and team. Some people need that extra push from bonuses or praise to stay motivated and get things done.

Social Motivation

Some people are all about teamwork and collaboration. They thrive on the sense of belonging and camaraderie they get from working with others towards a common goal.

Monetary Motivation

Money talks, right? For some, financial incentives like raises and bonuses are the biggest motivators to get things done.

Recognition Motivation

Everyone likes a pat on the back now and then. Recognition motivation is all about feeling appreciated and valued for your hard work, whether through awards, praise, or special privileges.

Responsibility Motivation

Giving employees more responsibility can be a big motivator. When they feel trusted and empowered to make decisions, they are more likely to take ownership of their work and feel proud of what they do.

Motivation comes in various forms, whether finding joy in the task or chasing after employee rewards. By recognizing and nurturing these motivations, companies can keep their teams inspired and productive.

Theory of Employee Motivation

Ever wondered what really motivates employees at work? Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory breaks it down into two main factors: motivations and hygiene factors.

Motivators are the things that really get employees excited about their work, like recognition for a job well done, growth opportunities, and a sense of achievement.

Hygiene factors, such as fair play, good working conditions, and supportive management, need to be in place to prevent dissatisfaction.

Here's how Herzberg's theory plays out in the workplace:

High hygiene & high motivation

Everyone's happy and motivated. It's like a dream workplace!

High hygiene & low motivation

People aren't unhappy but are not super pumped about their job, either. They are just there for the paycheck.

Low hygiene & high motivation

People love what they do, but they have got some complaints, like not being paid enough.

Low hygiene & low motivation

Uh-oh, this is bad news. Nobody is happy, and nothing is going right.

So, how can companies use Herzberg's theory to make things better?

First off, fix any redundant or annoying company policies. Nobody likes red tape! Managers need to be more than just bosses; they should be mentors who support their team.

And hey, make sure the pay and perks are up to scratch. If people feel undervalued, they won't be motivated to do their best.

Lastly, ensure the job is meaningful and gives employees a chance to shine. Oh, and listen to your team's feedback and take action on it. That's key to keeping everyone happy and motivated! Let us learn in detail the strategies you can use to motivate your employees.

Top 16 Ways to Employee Motivation

Boosting employee motivation is essential for a thriving workplace. Explore the top 16 strategies, from incentives to empowerment, to foster engagement and satisfaction among your team members.

Offering Incentives and Bonuses

Reward employees for their hard work and achievement of goals. Bonuses, extra time off, or special recognition can go a long way in motivating them. Financial incentives are powerful motivators for many employees.

Creating a Positive Work Environment

Foster collaboration, communication, and teamwork to create an environment where employees feel valued and supported. Regular check-ins and team-building activities strengthen bonds and motivation.

Providing Growth and Development Opportunities

Invest in your employees; growth by offering mentorship programs, clear advancement opportunities, and workplace training. Investment in their development keeps them engaged and motivated.

Allowing Employees Input in Decision-Making

Give employees a sense of ownership by involving them in decision-making processes related to their work. They are more likely to be invested in their work when they feel empowered.

Understanding Individual Motivation

Take the time to understand what motivated each employee. Tailoring your approach to your unique needs can significantly boost engagement and satisfaction. Whether it's intrinsic or extrinsic motivation, recognizing what motivates each team member ensures a personalized approach to fostering engagement and satisfaction.

Conducting Employee Motivation Surveys

Conducting surveys to gauge employee motivation levels and gather feedback on what drives them can inform targeted strategies for improvement.

Ensuring Employee Satisfaction

Address dissatisfaction factors through employee satisfaction surveys and take action to improve the work environment.

Recognizing Employees

Show appreciation for hard work through employee recognition programs and informal celebrations of achievements. Public praise, awards, and privileges are effective forms of recognition.

Focusing on Intrinsic Rewards

Emphasizing internal satisfaction and fulfillment derived from work rather than solely relying on external rewards ensures long-term motivation and commitment.

Empowerment, Not Micromanagement

Allowing employees autonomy means giving them freedom in their roles. It lets them decide on their own. This autonomy empowers them, they feel like they own their work, and they take responsibility. It fosters employee motivation and a sense of pride in their accomplishments.

Building Positive Manager-Employee Relationships

Foster positive relationships between managers and employees through regular communication and support. Further, motivational messages for employees from managers will also boost employee motivation.

Setting Clear Employee Expectations

Ensure employees understand their roles and responsibilities clearly to avoid frustration and increase motivation.

Emphasizing Strengths Over Weaknesses

Focus on developing employees' strengths rather than dwelling on their weaknesses to boost confidence and productivity.

Encouraging Creativity and Innovation

Create an environment that values and encourages employees' creative ideas and initiatives.

Acting on Employee Ideas and Suggestions

Demonstrating responsiveness to employee feedback by implementing their ideas and addressing their concerns shows that their voices are valued and encourages continued engagement.

Implementing Learning and Development Programs

Provide opportunities for continuous learning and skill development to support employees' career growth and motivation.

By implementing these diverse strategies, tailored to individual needs, organizations can cultivate a culture of motivation, driving employee experience, satisfaction, and, ultimately, organizational success.


In conclusion, employee motivation is the secret sauce for a thriving workplace. When employees are motivated, they are not just clocking in and out. They are bringing their A-game, being creative, and going above and beyond.

By understanding what drives each employee and implementing strategies like incentives, recognition, and empowerment, companies can create a positive work environment where everyone feels valued and inspired to do their best. So, let us keep the momentum going and continue to prioritize employee motivation for a happier, more productive workplace!

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