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Building Relationships with Employees: A Complete Guide

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Thu Feb 29 2024

5 min read

building relationships employees

How to build positive relationships with employees is crucial to creating an engaging and productive working environment. According to research by Gallup, people with close work relationships are seven times more likely to feel invested in their work. Gallup's study indicates that having close friendships at work does not necessitate having a "best friend forever", though having good friends at work may increase happiness levels significantly and foster customer engagement and higher profits.

This article will explore the significance of the importance of building relationships with employees, methods for developing and maintaining them, as well as ways of working effectively with colleagues who may not necessarily share your same views.

What is the Importance of Developing Positive Work Relationships?

Humans are social creatures by nature and require connections with others for fulfillment and happiness. Since we spend much of our lives at work, it's essential that we form positive relationships with colleagues if we wish our jobs to be enjoyable. When colleagues feel comfortable around one another they will more easily express opinions, collaborate on ideas together and work as teams - essential factors in innovation and adaptation to changes - thus raising morale and productivity significantly.

Good work relationships provide individuals with an increased sense of freedom. By avoiding negative relationships, they can focus on opportunities such as personal growth and expanding business prospects.

In addition, building a robust professional network can also help individuals further their careers by opening up opportunities that would not otherwise exist for them. Building relationships with employees is essential for a healthy workplace culture. Performance review examples relationship building tools can foster open dialogue and foster trust between managers and employees.

Establishing the Meaning of a Positive Relationship

Trust, respect, self-awareness, inclusion and open communication are the cornerstones of a positive work relationship. Let's examine each one in depth.

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  1. Trust among team members fosters openness and honesty, thus eliminating the need to constantly monitor. Mutual respect is essential for teams working collaboratively together and taking advantage of collective insight, wisdom, and creativity to find solutions for problems.
  2. Self-awareness requires taking responsibility for your actions and words, and not allowing negative emotions to impact on colleagues in any negative way. Inclusion goes beyond mere acceptance of diverse individuals and their views; rather it actively welcomes them by including insights and perspectives from diverse colleagues who hold differing viewpoints into decision making processes - also known as cultural add.
  3. Open and honest communication is integral to successful relationships. No matter if it be through email, direct messaging, video calls or in person - effective communication strengthens bonds among friends.

Building positive employee relations is a critical component of successful organizations.

Which Relationships in the Workplace Hold Significance?

Constantly working towards developing positive working relationships is of course important. But particular care must be given when building them with your employees or managers. Gallup estimates that managers' influence accounts for as much as 70% of team engagement.

Regular one-on-one meetings allow managers to establish rapport with their employees, demonstrate how an individual's work aligns with overall organizational goals, identify their strengths and assist in pinpointing areas for growth. Furthermore, it may be beneficial to adapt your style of management upwards by studying their preferred approach, anticipating their needs and adapting your communication style accordingly for a smoother relationship.

Establishing positive relationships with key stakeholders such as customers, suppliers and team members is also extremely advantageous. Each of these individuals have an invested interest in your success; cultivating these relationships can ensure your projects and career stay on course. Conducting a stakeholder analysis is an excellent way of identifying these people so that you can devote more time towards developing these partnerships. Active listening and showing appreciation are key components in building relationships with employees.

How to Build Good Work Relationships?

Just as building lasting friendships requires time and effort, building meaningful relationships between colleagues takes work too - but there are simple actions you can take to foster better workplace relations.

  1. Be proactive: Be proactive about getting to know your colleagues by initiating conversations about their interests, hobbies and weekend plans. Offer help with their workload or share expertise as a means of building lasting relationships.
  2. Show appreciation: Expressing gratitude can go a long way toward forging positive relationships. Recognizing the efforts of colleagues can motivate them to perform even better and promote an atmosphere of appreciation in your workplace.
  3. Listen actively: Listen actively when talking with colleagues - be it work-related or personal topics - showing genuine interest is one way of showing that you value their contributions and care about their wellbeing. Active listening shows you respect them as individuals.
  4. Communicate effectively: Open and honest communication is vital in building trust and creating positive relationships. Be direct in your approach while still remaining open to feedback and willing to compromise when necessary.
  5. Find common ground: Establishing personal connections with colleagues will lead to more fruitful collaborations and create an enhanced team dynamic.
  6. Attend work events: Attend work-sponsored events like team-building exercises, company outings and networking mixers to enhance professional relationships outside the traditional office environment and strengthen connections among colleagues.
  7. Respect boundaries: It is crucial that individuals respect personal boundaries and honor colleagues. Be wary of cultural differences and refrain from taking actions which might be offensive or inappropriate.

Investing in building relationships with employees can result in a more productive and engaged workforce.

How to Handle Difficult Work Relationships?

At times, you may find yourself working with people you don't get along with well. With virtual work environments becoming more prevalent, many colleagues enjoy the privacy and space provided by working online - yet communicating online may still result in miscommunication and tension.

Though it's natural to want to avoid people who create tension, that may not always be feasible or beneficial to team unity. Here are some strategies for maintaining or improving professional relationships.

  1. Address the issue directly: It can be unnerving, but it's essential that any issues with a colleague be communicated directly and respectfully. Be specific in describing your problem while offering potential solutions in order to find an acceptable resolution.
  2. Stay calm and composed: Remember to always maintain a professional demeanor during any interactions with colleagues, avoiding becoming defensive or aggressive and keeping emotions under control.
  3. Seek advice: Seeking advice from someone trusted can provide invaluable insights on how best to navigate a situation.
  4. Set boundaries: Set clear boundaries with your colleague and communicate them effectively to avoid future disputes and misunderstandings. Doing this may help avoid conflicts and misunderstandings from occurring in the future.
  5. Focus on solutions: Instead of dwelling on problems, seek solutions that benefit both parties by brainstorming together and being open to compromise.
  6. Keep a positive attitude: Keep an optimistic attitude even in challenging circumstances and focus on reaching your end goals and the larger picture.
  7. Know when to seek help: If the situation becomes unbearable, it may be necessary to escalate it higher up the chain, such as your manager or HR representative.

Building relationships with staff promotes a positive work culture and increases employee engagement. By employing these strategies, you can efficiently handle difficult work relationships while creating an enjoyable work environment.


In conclusion, building positive relationships with employees is crucial for creating a productive and enjoyable work environment. A strong rapport among colleagues fosters trust, mutual respect and effective communication; managers can use this dynamic to boost team morale by building connections among team members that foster engagement towards achieving shared goals collaboratively. Furthermore, organizations should prioritize positive relationships within the workplace so as to encourage an engaged, motivated, and productive workforce. Building relationships with employees is the foundation for a harmonious and thriving workplace.

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