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What are the Benefits Of Video Interviews for Job Candidates

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Fri Feb 09 2024

5 min read

advantages of video interviews

Video interviews provide a more personal and interactive experience for job candidates, leading to a better job offer. The technology allows interviewers to gather more information about a candidate in a short period than any other type of interview, making it one of the critical benefits of video interviews.

The interviewer can ask difficult questions and better understand the candidate's skills and abilities. Additionally, video interviews are less burdensome for the candidate, which is one of the key advantages.

Video interviews are becoming increasingly popular for job candidates. They allow for individualized interviews and can be more efficient than traditional interviews.

Video interviews have many advantages, including the fact that they can be conducted remotely. Another advantage of video interviews is that they can screen candidates outside the office.

Well, this is just the start of the benefits of video interviews. There is more to video interviews than just the advantages listed above. For example, video interviews are a great way to assess a candidate's personality, which can be taken under background checks.

This article will take you through the pros of video interviews that would ultimately yield better hiring decisions and selections.

What is a Video Interview?

A video interview is a process of handling the interview virtually or remotely using a video conferencing tool to conduct the interview. This process consists of the same interview question and answers asked during physical interviews. Video interview also allows recording the interview where recruiters can record the video for further reference to a higher authority or any other process.

What is the Purpose of a Video Interview?

A video interview is the future for every company for talent acquisition. The main purpose of video interviews is to conduct the interview using video technology to reduce the barrier of distance or to hire the best employee remotely. As the benefit of video interviews, any organization can save time and effort compared to the traditional face-to-face interview.

As we can see, a video interview is a requirement of every organization as there are lots of advantages and disadvantages to them. In the next context, we will discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of video interviews.

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Top Advantages of Video Interviews

The benefits of a video interview to your talent acquisition team's toolkit, you can save your team hours of candidate sourcing and phone screening, lower the risk of losing top talent to companies that move more quickly, and save a lot of money on flying candidates in for interviews. Here are some of the pros of video interviews.

1. Decrease Phone Screens

The benefits of video interviews include pre-recorded video interviewing to screen candidates, and you can reduce the time commitment and scheduling issues accompanying phone interviews.

Pre-recorded videos enable you to provide the questions you need candidates to answer so you can decide whether to watch the entire thing or stop after the first few minutes. You will likely know within the first five minutes whether a candidate is a good fit.

2. Relieve the Burden of Scheduling

You might find yourself exchanging emails back and forth for days or even weeks, trying to find a time that works for everyone when you're trying to bring 20 candidates in for face-to-face interviews. The scheduling setup turns into a puzzle.

You then must juggle all conversations and arrange for the right people to observe the interviews. This takes up time and is stressful for both you and the candidates.

One-way video interviews, which let candidates respond to questions whenever convenient, significantly reduce the stress of this part of the hiring process. When candidates have responded, hiring managers and their teams review the comments at a time that works for everyone's schedules.

3. Reduces Cost

Candidates can save money on travel costs, lodging, and meals by conducting video interviews from the convenience of their own homes. On the other hand, employees save money because they don't have to pay for a venue to hold candidate interviews.

Additionally, the interview doesn't interfere with anyone's productivity because both parties can resume their normal activities as soon as it is over. Cost efficiency is one of the critical benefits of video interviews as it becomes affordable to all.

4. Consistent Interview Experience

During an interview, a hiring manager might overlook something or veer off-topic. This problem can be resolved using an asynchronous video interview, one of its unique advantages. During this kind of video interview, every applicant asks the same questions.

Additionally, having all candidates respond to the same questions creates a level of consistency that will aid in evaluating all candidates equally.

5. It's Modernized

Companies have been interviewing candidates for jobs for many years, and the process usually involves a conventional in-person meeting. Companies now have a wide variety of virtual communication tools to choose from so that people can stay in touch thanks to modern technology.

As in-person interviews are currently not an option, many businesses use virtual recruiting solutions to streamline their hiring process.

These benefits of video interviews make them a more appealing option to many employers than traditional in-person interviews. Finding suitable candidates is easier when you save time and money on your recruitment process.

Disadvantages of Video interview

Here are some of the issues which can occur while using the video conferencing tool for a job interview

  1. Users must have the right platform to conduct the interview, as if the candidate requires to download any application to connect the call, which can cause delay and might be not able to share the call recording with the other team members.
  2. The interviewer and interviewee both can face the issues of background noise problems while being on the video interview call. This can affect the ability to perform while being on the video conferencing tool for the job interview.

The Best Recruitment Company in the USA

Pitch N Hire is a company that has developed a robust structure of its own to ensure value in its work. It is an AI-powered platform that can help you reach out to the potential candidates you require. Pitch N Hire also excels in video interviewing, which is the best way to connect with talent in these times.

The entire article has shown you the benefits of video interviews, but what about executing these interviews? The organization has an end-to-end solution for all your recruitment needs. From screening to shortlisting to interviews, you can rely on Pitch N Hire to assist you in every step of the process.

They also have a personalized applicant tracking system that keeps track of your candidates. This means that you can save time and can assure yourselves of potential employees coming your way.

The following are the services that Pitch N Hire offers:

1. Background Checks

A background check is an integral part of the hiring process, which many employers insist on. This check can reveal information about a candidate's past that you may not have known about.

For example, a criminal record can disqualify someone from a job, and a history of mental health issues can make it difficult for them to do the job. Although a background check can be time-consuming, getting it done right with the right people is essential. PNH is a reliable and affordable provider of background checks to assure you of the best results.

2. Permanent Staffing

Finding the ideal candidate to hire is a difficult task. With many options to choose from, it can be overwhelming for any business owner or manager. The process is time-consuming and complex, and it's easy to make a mistake.

That's why it's crucial to have a reliable agency to help you with your hiring needs. Pitch N Hire is an excellent resource for permanent hiring and makes it look effortless!

3. Contract Staffing

A contract staffing agency can help you find temporary workers for your business. This type of service is perfect for companies that need employees for a short period. PNH can connect you with a variety of contract workers who can help with a variety of tasks. They can be hired for a specific project, or they can be hired permanently.


In conclusion, video interviewing is a more modern and consistent way to interview candidates. It eliminates the risk of bias and provides a consistent experience for both the candidate and the hiring manager. These benefits of video interviews make them more desirable than in-person interviews for many businesses.

When used correctly, they can provide a consistent and modernized interviewing experience. Additionally, a video interview platform like Pitch N Hire can save time and money, making finding suitable candidates easier.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What role will video interviews play in the future?

Ans. Why video interviews are the way of the future in employment, video interviews are not as good as in-person interviews. Video interviews, however, can be more beneficial for both the candidate and the recruiter in some circumstances (such as when hiring multilingual candidates).

Q2. A video interview for a new hire: What is it?

Ans. For non-volume Co-op jobs, Modern Hire uses 'on-demand' video interviews to evaluate candidates' fundamental suitability. A link to the Modern Hire platform will be sent to every applicant who satisfies the minimal requirements for a non-volume role so they can upload a video interview.

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