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What is Strategic Human Resource Planning?

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Wed Jul 24 2024

5 min read

strategic human resource planning

The elevating business trends have unsurprisingly made a revolution in the market for years. Hence one of the major concerns people have is How the Human Resource strategy will benefit the company's growth. This blog includes different types of HR strategies present to identify; the methodology of human resource planning is well-defined and structured, as well as the steps of HR management to help people identify the issue and how to resolve it through HR planning. This also includes some successful examples of Human Resource Planning. For recruitment or hiring-related concerns, nothing is better than Pitch n Hire. So without waiting much, start your journey with us!

In today's drastically evolving business era, Organizations need a strong human resource strategy to recruit, keep, and develop top people. Strategic human resource planning ensures an organization's human capital aligns with its overarching business strategy.

Human resource planning includes analyzing an organization's present workforce and future needs. After this, a strategy is made to acquire and develop the required skills. This will lead to competencies that will satisfy company needs. The organization's strategy and human resource management procedures must align with its business plan.

This blog will examine the relationship between business strategy and human resource planning. We'll also look at some examples of effective HR strategies and the types of HR strategies that can provide good corporate results.

Join us as we explore the area of human resource planning and see how it can propel your company's success!

What is the Methodology of Human Resource Planning?

Strategic human resource planning entails four essential phases to successfully connect an organization's human resource management procedures with its overall business strategy:

1. Evaluation of Organizational Needs

Evaluating the organization's personnel and identifying skill gaps constitute the first stage in human resource planning. The objectives are to thoroughly grasp the organization's people resources and identify potential improvement areas.

2. Analysis of the Environment

The second phase entails analyzing the external environment to find any trends or problems that might affect the organization's methods for managing its human resources. The objective is to locate external elements affecting the organization's capacity to draw in and keep top personnel.

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3. Clarification of HR Objectives and Goals

The third phase clearly states strategic human resource planning goals and objectives aligning with the organization's broader business plan. A personnel acquisition and development plan, performance management software, and a compensation and benefits plan may all be developed as a result.

4. HR Strategy and Action Plan Development

The final and fourth phase is to create HR strategies and action plans to help the organization accomplish its HR goals and objectives. This might entail creating a strategy for hiring and selecting employees, a plan for their training and development, and a plan for their engagement.

What are the Types of Human Resource Strategies?

Organizations can use various human resource methods to manage their people resources efficiently. Here are some general types of popular HR strategies:

  1. Personnel management plan: This approach focuses on obtaining and keeping top people and improving employee skills.
  2. Compensation and benefits strategy: The compensation and benefits strategy focuses on planning and executing compensation.
  3. Diversity and inclusion plan: This strategy focuses on developing a varied and inclusive workplace that recognizes and exploits all workers' unique views and abilities.
  4. Employee involvement strategy: This mainly focuses on building a work environment that promotes employee happiness, motivation, and dedication to the organization's aims.
  5. Succession planning approach: This strategy focuses on identifying and developing internal talent to guarantee a pipeline of competent leaders for critical jobs in the organization.
  6. Workforce planning approach: This method focuses on predicting and preparing for future workforce needs, including the skills and competencies to fulfil the organization's objectives.

What are the Successful HR Strategies Examples?

Human resource planning entails several interrelated elements to ensure an organization's human resource management practices align with its overarching business strategy. The following are the top human resource strategies examples:

1. Planning the Workforce

Planning a company's workforce entails assessing its present staff and predicting future personnel requirements. This entails determining talent or skill shortages and creating a plan to develop and acquire the required skills and abilities to fill such gaps.

2. Screening and Recruitment

Creating a plan to attract and choose outstanding talent is part of the recruitment and selection process. Fair, open, and effective recruiting, job descriptions, and person requirements may be developed by establishing the essential competencies.

3. Development and Training

Creating a training and development strategy ensures workers have the knowledge and skills to do their jobs successfully. The purpose is to guarantee that workers can advance and that the business has the skills and competencies to meet its strategic human resource planning goals.

4. Performance Monitoring

The performance management and human resource strategy process entail creating a framework for tracking and rating employee performance. The objective is to ensure that workers are functioning at a high level and that any performance problems are discovered and resolved quickly.

5. Creating a Succession Plan

Planning for succession entails creating a strategy to ensure that important roles are filled with qualified candidates. The purpose is to guarantee that the organization has the leadership and knowledge to meet its commercial objectives.

What are the Steps of Strategic Human Resource Management?

Here are the steps of human resource management:

  1. Assess organizational needs: Perform a complete assessment of the organization's existing and future needs, including its business strategy, goals, and aspirations.
  2. Analyze the surroundings: Conduct a thorough examination of the external environment, which includes economic, political, legal, social, and technical elements, to discover opportunities and risks that may affect the organization's human resource management practices.
  3. Define HR goals and objectives: Create clear and quantifiable strategic human resource planning goals and objectives that support the organization's long-term performance and align with its business plan.
  4. Create HR strategies and action plans: Create various human resource strategies and action plans that handle workforce planning, recruiting and selection, training and development, succession planning, and other critical components of HR management.
  5. Implement human resource strategies and action plans: Implement human resource strategies and action plans while regularly monitoring and evaluating their efficacy.
  6. Monitor and evaluate: Develop metrics and key performance indicators to assess the efficacy of human resource management strategies and action plans.
  7. Communicate and integrate: Communicate the organization's human resource management strategy and action plans to all stakeholders and other stakeholders in the development process.

What are the Benefits of Human Resource Planning?

Planning strategically for your organization's human resources is crucial to long-term success. Some of the main advantages of human resource planning are as follows:

1. Increased Staff Retention

Strategic human resource planning may assist in increasing employee retention. It is done by ensuring that workers are happy with their jobs. Organizations may build a more engaged and motivated workforce that is less likely to depart by investing in employee growth and development.

2. Better Adherence to organizational Objectives

The alignment of an organization's strategy and HR management practices may be ensured with HR planning. It contributes to success by creating HR strategies and action plans that complement the organization's goals.

3. Improved Efficiency and Productivity

By ensuring that personnel have the skills and abilities to carry out their duties, strategic human resource planning may assist in boosting production and efficiency. Organizations may raise productivity and enhance the calibre of their personnel.

4. Improved Risk Assuming

Planning strategically for HR helps reduce risk by ensuring that the company has the ability to handle any problems. Organizations may reduce the risk of disruption if a key employee leaves the company.

What are the Challenges of Strategic Human Resource Planning?

Human resource planning may help organizations greatly but can also bring several difficulties. The following are some of the main difficulties that organizations could experience while putting a human resource planning approach in place:

1. Opposition to Transformation

Resistance to change is one of the key problems with strategic human Opposition to transformation. Employees could be reluctant to new HR procedures or modifications to current procedures.

2. Resource Limitations

Resource limitations are another difficulty for effective human resource planning. Developing and implementing new HR strategies and action plans can take time, effort, and money.

3. Poor Support from High Management

Lastly, lacking support from high management can make human resource planning difficult. It could be challenging to get the required resources.


In this blog post, we covered several important things, such as the significance of human resource planning, the essential elements of a strategic human resource plan, the advantages of human resource planning, and the potential challenges organizations might face.

As a final recommendation, we urge businesses to make strategic human resource planning a crucial component of their company strategy. Doing this may achieve long-term success, boost employee engagement and motivation, and get an edge over rival businesses. Now is the moment to implement human resource planning and invest in your company's future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

1. Why is strategic human resource planning important for organizations?

Organizations should prioritize HR planning to ensure that the workforce aligns with their vision and goals and that they have the appropriate people in the right positions at the right times. Additionally, it is valuable to spot prospective labour shortages, foresee future workforce requirements, and create plans to fill such gaps.

2. What are the benefits of strategic human resource planning for employees?

Human resource planning offers employees the following:

  • More job security
  • Possibilities for career growth and development
  • Better working conditions and job satisfaction
  • Higher levels of engagement and motivation

3. How does strategic human resource planning impact organizational performance?

Strategic HR planning may substantially influence organizational performance. It can aid in

  • Lowering turnover and absenteeism
  • Boosting output and efficiency
  • Enhancing general employee engagement

4. What is the best applicant tracking system for hiring?

Depending on the organization's strategic human resource planning goals and objectives, an applicant tracking system may be the ideal option for hiring. And the most known and well-supported platform in “Pitch n Hire.”

They provide guidance and support to streamline the hiring process and enhance applicant selection. Researching and contrasting many possibilities is crucial before choosing the one that best suits the organization's requirements and financial constraints.

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