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What is the Recruitment Definition in HRM?

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Fri Feb 09 2024

5 min read

Recruitment definition hrm

Recruitment is an integral part of human resource management. The selection and hiring of candidates for specific positions and jobs is known as recruitment. Human resource managers are appointed for the recruitment process on behalf of the company. The company must maintain a proper recruitment strategy for successful selection. In this article, we are discussing the sources of Recruitment and Selection in HRM.

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The recruitment definition in HRM is simple. Recruitment is the process of searching and hiring job candidates. The entire hiring process is known as recruitment. Recruitment of employees is very important for the company. Finding the best candidates for the company is essential. A good recruitment strategy shall be maintained for the appropriate selection of candidates.

What is the Definition of Recruitment in HRM?

The company always looks to gain successful employees through the recruitment process. Depending upon the scale of the organisation, the responsibility of recruitment increases. Large organizations have a lot of HR managers and recruiters. The small scale companies can have a single HR manager who manages the entire recruitment process. This makes it easy to define Recruitment in human resource management. The meaning of recruitment and selection in HRM is very similar.

The Recruitment definition in HRM is simple for the company. The recruitment of new employees happens through advertisements and social media. The large scale companies maintain recruiting software that makes their process more effective. All companies look to have a top candidate in the process and select the best for the job. Recruitment and selection are both consecutive processes of human resource management.

What is the Importance of Selection and Recruitment in Human Resource Management?

Recruitment and selection definition in HRM is integrated. Hiring good employees will increase the performance of the company. Proper selection and recruitment process is very beneficial for the company. The primary importance of Selection and Recruitment are:

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  • Choosing an appropriate candidate: Recruitment and Selection help select an appropriate employee. Top candidates apply for the job role. The manager selects the best resource among the applicants. This leads the company to have the best employee eligible for the position.
  • Meeting Goals of the Organization: recruitment and selection allow the company to receive its goals. Candidates who can fulfill the goals of the company get selected.
  • Improvement in Employee Management: It helps in improving the management of employees. The HR gets to select the candidates that can be easy to manage. The relationship among the HR manager and the employee is improved through the process.
  • Reduction in Turnover: Good selection of candidates leads to less than over. Low labour turnover will reduce selection and recruitment costs. This favourite benefits the company to a great extent.

Proper recruitment and selection in Human Resource Management will reduce absenteeism. The selected employees will also have good attention to the job they are doing. The motivation towards their job will be high and benefit the organization. This makes Recruitment definition in HRM vast.

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What are the Sources of Recruitment in HRM?

Recruitment in HRM has various sources. The recruitment sources in HRM are the modes of connecting the company and the employee. Sources of recruitment are how proper communication is done with the candidates by the company. There are two types of recruitment sources, External Sources and Internal.

1. External Sources

The external sources of recruitment are a very common process. Candidates that have yet to be a part of the organisation before are selected here. Fresh talent and employee growth happen through this process. Certain external sources of recruitment are:

  • Advertising: Advertisement is the easiest source of recruitment externally. The company can post an advertisement for the job opportunities required. It will attract new and experienced employees to the company. Advertisements are given when the selection of middle and high-level employees happens.
  • Social Media: Posting about the job role on social media is also an external recruitment source. Social media marketing has become an integrated part of the business. Candidates get attracted to job advertisements on social media. Experienced employees get selection through social media recruitment. Social media has changed the Recruitment definition in HRM.
  • Employment Portals: These portals have developed in recent times. It consists of information related to job openings at different companies. Recruitment in HRM is easy through employment portals.
  • Universities and Institutions: These places are a very good source of recruitment. Many effective students get the opportunity for a job role while studying in universities. These institutions recommend the companies select the appropriate candidate. Effective recruitment can occur through institutions and Universities.
  • Recommendation by an employee: The recommendation given by an existing employee is a suitable process. It is an external source of recruitment. The existing employee is suitable for recommending any other candidate to the company.

The External source integrates the Recruitment definition in HRM.

2. Internal Sources

The internal sources of recruitment are among the existing members of the organisation. The employees that are part of the company get selection for an upgraded job role. The company can provide vacancies for any new job role through internal communication. Types of Internal sources of recruitment are:

  • Transfer: Transferring an existing employee from one department to another is an internal source. The employee gets selected in another company department and transferred there. The employee receives the notice internally.
  • Promotion: Promotion is the easiest form of internal recruitment. An existing employee gets a promotion to a new designation in the company. The employee receives a higher job role in the organisation. They also receive an increase in payment.
  • Hiring Former Employees: Few organizations also hire their former employees. The trust that the employees have with the company is important. The companies also take retired people who are willing to work part-time. It is a cost-cutting solution for the organization.
  • Referrals: The referral of the existing employees is an internal source. The existing employees can recommend their family members for any job role in the company. These employees get a direct selection for the screening round of recruitment. This supports the Recruitment definition in HRM.

The easy sources of Recruitment make the recruitment definition in HRM simple.

What are the Advantages of Selection and Recruitment in HRM?

Selection and Recruitment in HRM is an essential process. There are various advantages of these processes in human resource management. The benefits are:

  • The organisation saves a lot of money in a proper recruitment process.
  • The internal sources of recruitment are also a moral booster. The existing employees get a promotion. They also get an increase in payment. It benefits the motivation of the employee to the company.
  • Selection of proper skills for the worker is possible. Scanning of the experience of the candidates happens. This results in the selection of the top candidates for the role.
  • The experienced candidates get selected. It reduces the time and cost of training. New employees will need a basic induction.
  • The advantages have a great impact on the Recruitment definition in HRM.

How is Selection Different from Recruitment in HRM?

Recruitment and Selection Definition in HRM are quite similar. There are certain differences between the two processes. Human resource management is mainly managed with these two processes. The differences between them are:

  • Recruitment is the first stage of the introduction. Selection is the second stage of in-depth analysis.
  • Recruitment is a positive process. It involves having as many candidates as possible. In comparison, selection is a negative process. Rejection of the candidates happens here.
  • Recruitment is not at all expensive or time-consuming. Selection, at times, is expensive and time-consuming.
  • Recruitment is a simple process of HRM. It involves a simple job description. Selection is a more complex process. It involves different tests and steps.
  • The selection and Recruitment definition in HRM is made simple.

What are the Steps for Selection and Recruitment in HRM?

Certain steps need to be followed for recruitment and selection in HRM. The Recruitment definition in HRM becomes easier. These steps are:

1. Having a Proper Job Description

The first step of recruitment is to have a job description. There should be detailed information about the job role. The introduction of the company is in this category.

2. Correct Advertisements

The advertisements for the job role should happen in the right place. It should occur in areas where people will look for jobs. Advertisements may also be on social media and employment portals. More candidates should apply for the job role. Correct Advertisements will help the company to shortlist more candidates.

3. Screening of Candidates

The process of screening is the next step. The company can eliminate unsuitable candidates in this category. From here, the process of selection starts. The company can analyze the resume of the candidates. Then, decide if they are fit for the position.

4. Process of Interview

The next process of selection is the interview process. Very less number of candidates get selected for the interview. The HR manager determines whether the candidate is fit for the company. The elimination of the weakest candidates happens here.

5. Aptitude Tests

The employees selected from the interview have to take particular tests. These involve assessment tests. The candidates get a further selection from the results. The technical skills of the candidates are determined. This is very important in the selection process in HRM Definition.

6. Last Process of Selection

The final stage is to review the aptitude results and select the candidates. The results of the assessment test determine the job offer. The employment contract signing is the next process. The selection for the job role happens. This makes the Recruitment definition in HRM simple and straightforward.


Recruitment and selection in HRM are very similar. Both processes are directly related to each other. An organization with a strong selection and recruitment process has a lot of benefits. Recruitment and selection are two important parts of human resource management. Effective employees get the opportunity to work for the company. The organisation sees effective results when employment happens in the recruitment process. The effective process will allow the company to identify the best candidates for them. The productivity of the company will increase with the process. The Recruitment definition in HRM has been simple.

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