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Amazing Tips & Tricks For Answering "How To Sell A Pen" In An Interview

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Sat Feb 24 2024

5 min read

how to sell a pen in interview

Have you ever faced the question: sell me a pen during a sales job interview? Interviewers for sales jobs and marketing positions will challenge you to illustrate how you deliver a product during the interview process to get a feel of your sales skills. The contractor needs to see how you market and what methods you are using to settle the offer. You can answer the question effectively at work interviews if you take the time to plan the selling of something (you should adopt the same or similar approach to something you are asked about). In this article, we will learn how to sell a pen in an interview.

What Does the Interviewer Want to Check?

This topic and other issues were raised by the interviewers for advertising, promotions, and associated work, as they try to figure out whether candidates can sell and what sales methods they use. They want to see if they can sell. In addition to demonstrating your sales capability, your response is a key predictor of your ability to think on your feet. Your response shows your ability to communicate.

In this interview question, it’s not always a pen. Standard selects for this question are apples or plumage, but interviewers may ask you to sell any commodity on-site, even one produced by the firm. The objective of the interviewer is to figure out how well and which sales tactics you should use.

How to Sell a Pen?

The interviewer could be asked to sell a pen, a pencil, a jack, an apple, or another item every day. As with any other hypotheses, there is no solution, but the boss is interested in your follow-up sales method, your verbal communication skills, and your passion and imagination. Here are some methods for addressing this question:

Be Optimistic and Enthusiastic

Ensure that when you launch the idea, you are confident and enthusiastic about it. “I’m delighted to say that this pen will allow you to write in a legible, appealing, and productive way,” you might say anything like this. Your presentation’s nonverbal elements are as important as your vocabulary, so ensure that you pitch the product with a passionate voice and facial expressions. The animation will allow you to express passion and highlight the product’s importance.

Enhance the Interviewer’s Merit Characteristic

A vital move in the marketing process is to visit the buyer so that you can attempt to ask the interviewer about his future use of the commodity.

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Don’t Worry About Asking About a Few Issues

The better your pitch will be, the more you know about the expectations of your interviewer. Take advantage of the interviewer’s answers to highlight those features that can support them in their job. If the interviewer says, for example, that your pen has a fine point and non-smearing ink, which will enhance their reading of notes at meetings by taking priority. If your interviewer was disappointed with plumes that were not written or run out of tin fast, you should highlight how freely the tin flows from your plumb and the wide available ink power.

Be Selling Ready

Any interviewer can not work with you to evaluate their interests. So be prepared without your input to sell the stuff. Emphasize the characteristics and advantages of the product and its ownership and use by the consumer. Think of your own product experience and other consumers’ future perceptions as you react.

Sample Product or Facility Reservations

Objections to the commodity are a key component in the distribution process to be found and resolved. After making a few declarations about the product’s benefit, consult with the interviewer to decide if they have any questions that could preclude a purchase.

  • If you mention anything like the rate, then you contradict such a declaration “When you order three or more cases of our styles, I have been allowed to give you 20% off. We also have a promise of cashback fulfillment.”
  • The rivalry can also be spoken about.

Try to Closedown

Salespersons that are ready and successful in closing the deal are the most sought-after. At the end of your presentation, do not hesitate to ask the interviewer about his company. Make an exciting final declaration that contains a customer service order. You will help you get hired to work with your abilities to close this company.

Do Not Hesitate About Using the Imagination

Interviewers don’t expect you to be 100% right on the spot when you come up with a reply. Feel free to respond creatively if the claims are credible and persuasive. Recall that confidence in product consistency is key to successful sales.

Tips for Answering How to Sell a Pen

  • Act seriously to the question: How can you deal with the real-life sales process? Do your best to show the methods you will use while answering the question of how to sell a pen.
  • Continue to try: Perhaps the interviewer is not willing to ask questions or make an emotional argument. Continue to talk (and keep up your confidence). The answer, however, you like whether a customer during a cold call was difficult or silent.
  • Do not forget to close: Try to get the bargain right now. The good thing is, it’s not true life. So if you think that’ll be a good strategy, you can have fantastic offers to help the client peruse (that is, the interviewer).

Things Not to Mention While Answering

It is not easy for me: The question must be answered. Any solution that wants to escape it—that you are not at ease or that does not reflect how you’d market it in real life—is not so helpful.

Go beyond characteristics description: The respondent knows what a pen can do. In your response, try to communicate – whether emotionally or in any way with the needs of the interviewer. You should still figure out that the interviewer would benefit from the ink, which is usually easier than listing features.


So now you know how to sell a pen in an interview. So note down these tips and use them when you are asked to sell a pen in a job interview. Note that confidence is the key to cracking the question of how to sell a pen.


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