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Quickest Ways To Quit A Job You Just Started

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Sat Feb 24 2024

5 min read

quickest ways to quit job

There are many cases where you might have to quit a job you just started. You might have got another and better job offer or maybe you might have some restrictions that wouldn’t allow you to work at all. Whichever case that it might be, it is the most difficult job to write a resignation letter for a job you just started, not to mention how unprofessional it looks. Doing this can also sabotage your chances professionally, in the same firm as well as others. 

Therefore, it is important to pay keen attention to how to write a resignation letter for a job you just started. Many times, people have been confused by this and have either ruined their opportunities or confused themselves to the point where they can’t think straight anymore. But when you come to think of it, with a few tips and tricks you can easily understand how to quit a job you just started. So stay put for the life lesson which is bound to be useful at some time in your life.

Why is it Difficult?

If you’re in the beginning phase of finding and starting work, you might have an approach of what can they do if you don’t want to work. You might end up underestimating the importance of the impact that one resignation can lay on your career. This should not stop you from quitting a job that might deem unfit for you, but then you have to consider these issues to know what the situation is and what you are dealing with here.

You Might Get Blacklisted

One of the biggest fears of many people that are trying to quit a job they just started is that they might get blacklisted from that firm at all times and might lose the opportunity to work in it at any other time when they might feel like it. Many firms consider quitting right after joining a very unprofessional behavior and they might end up blacklisting you thereby avoiding you as a candidate for any other interview or job in the future as well. 

You Make Financial Sacrifices

If you’re leaving a job so soon, you can not expect them to pay for your work. Also, you can not rely on any other benefits that the job was otherwise providing you with. Without another job offer in hand, it can mean that you’re unemployed until you get your next chance. Therefore, you have to look at these financial burdens that you will lay upon yourself. This is because if you have bills to pay and other expenses to make, you might have to look somewhere else and find some financial security first.

You Might Damage Bonds with People

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When you leave a job, you might also make a bad impact on your co-workers thereby ruining your image in front of them for life. It will scar any bonding that you would have had and damage your chances of trying to talk to them later. Some people have reported that it has been very awkward for them to interact with their previous coworkers in a social scenario which often leaves them aggravated and frustrated for no mistake or wrongdoing.

You Might Damage Your Impression in the Industry

If you leave a job so soon, you might hamper your image in the industry as well. There is no chance that a company would ever want an employee who is not able to stick to those commitments that they previously made. It makes the employee look very dishonest, commitment-phobic, and untrustworthy, which can seriously impact any other job that you might take. If your next job checks in with this firm for reference, chances are, they will not hear the best things about you.

Tips to Quit a Job You Just Started

So how to quit a job you just started in a manner that you’re able to save your image and make the best out of this situation?

Resign in Person

There is no better way to quit than to do that in person. If you go face to face, you will be able to explain yourself easily and also not hamper your chances with that person in the future. This is because a face-to-face resignation with proper documentation shows that you’re professional and that you take it seriously. For this, you’ll have to write a resignation letter for the job you just started.

Keep a Positive Tone About it

Another very important factor is to keep a positive tone about it. Don’t make it sound very casual. Show it that you care about that job. Tell them that you’ve thought about it a lot and then have reached this conclusion against your best desires. You can also mention that you should leave for both: the company and yourself.

Offer a Two Weeks Notice

In most cases, it is deemed compulsory by the firms to provide two weeks notice before leaving, but even if it is not, we suggest you propose this to your employer. This will show that you are responsible enough to take accountability for what you do. Additionally, if you end up working for that time, you have to ensure that you put your best work and efforts into it. However, some companies will also just want you to leave after that resignation. Whatever the case might be, perform your best.


It can be quite difficult to quit a job you just started. Not only because of the complications but also because of the deep-rooted fear that you might just be wrong and end up unemployed for too long. However, you shouldn’t let this get the best of you and try to make this decision with deep analysis and care. In the case that you might, you know how to quit a job you just started now. Use these tips to your ease and make this situation work out better for you.

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