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Top 10 iOS Developer Interview Questions You Need to Know

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Thu Feb 29 2024

5 min read

ios developer interview questions

This article gives an insight into the Top 10 iOS Developer Interview Questions asked of an iOS developer, including insights on the job description, roles, salary range, skills, and educational qualifications required to pursue a career in iOS development. This article lists the 10 questions with the answers that are commonly asked in an iOS developer Interview. Also lists out the expertise required to be qualified for this career such as proficiency in building tools such as Xcode, Swift, and iOS frameworks.

Are you an iOS developer seeking an ideal career? The competition in the employment market is increasing along with the need for mobile app development. You must grasp the interview process and be ready for any questions in order to stand out from the competition. The top 10 interview questions that are frequently asked during iOS developer interviews are listed in the following article.

What is iOS Developer Job Description?

The iOS developer roles and responsibilities include organizing, creating, implementing, and managing apps for Apple's iOS operating system. To succeed in the iOS developer interview, a candidate must possess a deep understanding of Swift, Objective-C, and other programming languages. Along with other development tools, the candidate should be knowledgeable about how to use Xcode, Cocoa Touch, and the Apple Developer Toolkit.

To make sure the developed application satisfies user needs, they must design user interfaces, program functionality, debug and test applications, and work with cross-functional teams. An iOS developer should also keep up with emerging technology and business trends and advise the team on the best ways to develop iOS applications.

What are the Educational Requirements to Crack an iOS Developer Interview?

The iOS developer qualifications include a degree in computer science or a closely related subject that is often necessary to work as an iOS developer. Instead of a degree, some employers could take into account applicants with relevant job experience or technical certificates.

An iOS developer's required skills are a solid grasp of the Swift programming language and iOS frameworks in addition to a formal degree. They should also have practical expertise in using tools for building apps like Xcode. Additionally, keeping up with new technology advancements and commercial trends that influence the creation of mobile applications is also essential.

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Hiring Managers not only assess a candidate’s technical skills but also their communication and teamwork skills in an iOS developer interview. Overall, the qualifications and education requirements for an iOS developer include a combination of formal education, technical skills, practical experience, and teamwork abilities.

What is the Senior iOS Developer Salary Range?

Understanding the iOS developer's salary range can help you negotiate a fair compensation package in your iOS developer interview. There are various factors that influence an iOS developer's salary, some of them are skillset, years of experience, and location.

A Junior iOS developer makes an average of $65,000 - $92,000 per year. Usually, senior iOS developers have several years of experience and a strong portfolio of work, which makes them eligible to negotiate higher salaries in an iOS developer interview. According to, the average salary for a senior iOS developer can range from $90,000 to $155,000 per year, based on experience, skill sets, and location.

Additionally, those with skills in emerging technologies such as web3, blockchain, and ML may also lead to higher salaries. But the salary range can vary significantly depending on the location of the job. iOS developers in cities like San Francisco and New York City may earn higher salaries than those in smaller cities.

Top 10 Commonly Asked iOS Developer Interview Questions

1. What is Object-Oriented Programming?

The computer programming framework known as object-oriented programming (OOP) organizes the design of a program around data or objects rather than functions and logic. OOP makes it possible to write reusable, modular code, which is simpler to maintain and alter. This is one of the most frequently asked questions in an iOS developer Interview.

2. What is MVC Architecture?

A popular design pattern used by iOS developers is Model-View-Controller (MVC). The components that make up an application are the model (data and business logic), view (user interface), and controller (which handles user input and modifies both the model and view).

3. What are Some Ways to Improve an iOS App's Performance?

Reducing HTTP requests, employing lazy loading to load resources only when necessary, using fewer animations and other visual effects, and optimizing database queries are some methods for enhancing app speed. You can also improve app performance by using background threads to perform long-running operations and by optimizing the layout.

4. State the Differences Between a Struct and a Class in Swift

Custom data types in Swift can be defined using structs or classes. Structures are values, whereas classes are types of references. In contrast to classes, which are given away by reference, structures are copied when they are assigned to a new variable.

5. What is Auto Layout?

In an iOS application, the layout of user interface components is specified using the Auto Layout mechanism. It is a crucial component of iOS development because it enables programmers to make user interfaces that can adapt to various screen sizes and orientations.

6. What is Core Data? As an iOS Developer, How Would You Use it in an iOS App?

Core Data is an ios framework that allows you to control the long-term storage of data in an iOS app. It offers an object graph management system that enables you to store objects in databases after displaying data as objects in memory. This is a basic concept that is expected in an iOS developer interview. By building a data model in Xcode that outlines the entities, properties, and connections that make up your data model, you may leverage Core Data. Then, you can get, create, update, and delete data for your app using Core Data APIs.

7. What is Grand Central Dispatch?

Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) is a low-level framework provided by Apple that allows developers to perform asynchronous operations and manage concurrency in their applications. It offers a method for controlling task queues and parallel task execution, which boosts the application's performance.

This is one of the most asked questions asked in an iOS developer interview, even in senior positions.

8. At What Instance Would you use Synchronous and Asynchronous Programming?

Synchronous programming is when code is executed sequentially, blocking the current thread until a task is completed. Asynchronous programming is when code is executed concurrently, allowing other tasks to be executed while the current task is running.

Asynchronous programming is generally used when you need to perform long-running operations or network requests in the background without blocking the UI thread. When you need to make sure a task is finished before moving on to the next activity, synchronized programming is utilized.

9. What is the Difference Between a Push Notification and a Local Notification?

Push notifications are alerts that are sent from a server to a user's device, even when the app is not open. They are used to notify users about new content or events, such as new messages or updates to a social network. Local notifications, on the other hand, are alerts that are delivered locally on the user's device and are scheduled. They are used to remind users about events or tasks that they have scheduled, such as appointments or reminders.

10. What is Delegation in iOS? How is it Implemented?

This is one of the most important questions in an iOS developer interview. Delegation is a design pattern used in iOS development to allow one object to act on behalf of another. It is commonly used to notify a delegate object when an event occurs, such as a user tapping a button or a network request completing. Delegation is implemented using protocols, which define a set of methods that a delegate object must implement. The object that is being delegated to then calls these methods when the corresponding events occur.

Key Takeaways for Mastering the iOS Developer Interview

To master the iOS developer Interview, here are a few key takeaways:

  • Prepare the technical concepts and iOS frameworks well in advance.
  • Get an understanding of the common interview questions asked.
  • Practice your programming skills in Swift.
  • Don’t hesitate to negotiate your salary range.


It takes dedication, understanding of both the fundamentals as well as advanced ideas, and experience to build the abilities necessary to succeed as an iOS developer. Preparing in advance for the most common iOS developer interview questions can help applicants stand out and demonstrate that they are the right fit for the role.

Lastly, showcasing your passion and enthusiasm for iOS development can go a long way in impressing the interviewer. Highlighting any personal projects or interests related to iOS development can demonstrate your commitment to the field and set you apart from other candidates.


1. How to prepare for an iOS Developer Interview?

It might be difficult to prepare for a technical iOS developer interview, especially if you have no idea what to expect. However, there are a number of things you can do to prepare for the interview in iOS development. First, familiarize yourself with frequently asked iOS developer interview questions by doing some research on them.

This includes programming concepts and topics such as iOS frameworks, Swift programming language, iOS app architecture, debugging, and app submission process. Next, review and practice your coding skills. It's important to be comfortable coding in Xcode as well as knowledgeable about typical iOS development tasks such as interacting with APIs, managing user interfaces, and handling data because you may be asked to produce code or solve problems during an iOS developer interview.

It's also crucial to prepare a portfolio of your previous work. This could include sample apps or projects you have worked on, either professionally or as personal projects. This will demonstrate your skills, experience, and approach to iOS development.

2. What skills every iOS Developer should have?

To succeed as an iOS developer, it's necessary to have a specific set of abilities. An iOS developer must have a firm grasp of programming languages like Swift and Objective-C, and also be knowledgeable about the iOS SDK and frameworks including Core Data, UIKit, and Core Animation. These are the fundamental concepts that are asked in an iOS developer interview. A good iOS developer should also have experience with version control systems such as Git and be proficient in using development tools such as Xcode.

3. How long does it take to learn Swift?

As a complete beginner to programming languages and iOS development, it can take you around 4-5 weeks on average to learn the core concepts of Swift. Yet, with a background in programming languages, you can learn Swift much faster. Sometimes experienced professionals can learn swiftly in a week.

4. Is Swift Faster than Python?

Python and Swift have different use cases. However, in comparison, swift is faster than Python.

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