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5 Essential Ways To Get A Job At A Startup

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Tue Feb 20 2024

5 min read

get a job at a startup

Some people undermine the difference that a job at a startup can make. They disregard these jobs as being a very risky proposition and something that they must avoid. There are still many people who would prefer a well-established MNC over a startup any day and they have their reasons. But the benefits of getting a job at a startup are immense and play well in the long run. 

A startup is still in the budding position so it gives you the chance to improve your work skills and make yourself a part of the bigger picture. The rules and regulations at a startup are also controlled and there is a greater opportunity to make an impact. In an MNC, you’re most likely to be a part of the crowd without an identity of your own, but when you get a job at a startup, you become your person. With that being said, many people wonder how to get a job at a startup. And honestly, it isn’t that hard.

5 Essential Ways to Get a Job at a Startup

Here are the best 5 essential ways to get a job at a startup:

Know Their Vision and What They Stand for

The first and foremost point to know to get a job at a startup is to know their vision. You can’t appear for a job with someone whom you don’t know properly. Therefore, understand what the startup is all about. Try to look into their latest happenings and what is going on in the industry that can help it. By this, you should ensure that you know what the startup is about and how it can benefit you. If you know what the startup is about, you’re more likely to be able to fit into their organization and find a suitable niche for yourself. So do a bit of background research and fish whatever you can.

Many studies have also found that you are more likely to get the job that you sound like. Every startup also has a few basic motives that it stands for. If you mention that as a part of your interview, they will already consider you to be one of them. Therefore, your chance to get a job at a startup an increase.

Play Your Networks

A great way to get a job at a startup is to get your networks into play. You can find out if you have someone in your network who knows anyone in the startup and have them put in a good word for you. This might seem like an old method, but it is a classic way of setting yourself up straight. In this world, playing your networks becomes especially important.

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The thing that is most important is that you should stand up to the reputation that they put up for you. If you’re someone who doesn’t want to get a word put in for yourself, you can just use your contact to know more about the people and therefore set you at a good place for your interview. It is possible to land a job even without the networks, but with your networks, it becomes a whole lot easier. 

Give them the Reason

The first question for any interviewer about you would be ‘why should we hire you?’. And this might seem mundane when it comes to usual interviews but during startups, this question hits differently. A startup is built with innovation and a lot of risks. They don’t want those people as a part of their team who are not compatible enough to be there. Therefore, it is important to have a strong strength that can help them with their roles. 

You should, therefore, look into all your strengths and settle down on something that lays the most impact and helps you define yourself. Also, you should avoid giving any general responses that you’ve looked at off the internet. That would immediately bring down your chances of hiring to zero. 

Have a Wider Scope

It is important to know that as much as your strength is important for you, so is having many skills. When you get a job at a startup, it is important to know that the job is not one specific role, it is an array of roles and responsibilities that you have. Therefore, you don’t get to be picky about it. Also, this means that you must have a lot to offer to the firm. You should be able to have a wide range of skills that can help them out and can ensure that they see the profit in hiring you. 

So, analyzing yourself before the interview might be very necessary as it might allow you to be prepared about what you want to offer them and what you can offer them. Don’t be hesitant towards smaller roles when it comes to startups. You must be voluntary towards providing your services whenever required. 

Ensure You Stand with Them

A great point that can cause trouble later is vision. Some people think that the vision of the startup isn’t important but they are wrong. It is important that when it comes to a startup you should be able to relate to its vision. Until and unless you relate to its vision, you’ll not be able to give your best towards it. Therefore, you might get tired after a while and start regretting your decisions. To avoid this happening, you must be able to look at a future with the vision that the startup holds on to.


Some people are very confused about how to get a job at a startup. But that isn’t the hardest part at all. The hardest part has to be staying through the entire procedure until the startup hits big. Having a job at a startup is not like other jobs. It is something that takes a lot of you and gives you a result at a later time. So, it might not be for everyone. But if you’re willing to put yourself into this, you now know how to.

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