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Make An Everlasting Impression: How To Create The Ultimate Business Elevator Pitch?

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Sat Dec 16 2023

5 min read

Business Elevator Pitch

Do you have a startUp but don't know what to say in your next meeting with investors? Or are you a business owner but don't know what to write in a cold email? Do you also get stuck when someone asks about your business? Then don't you worry, cuz we are here to give a solution to all your queries. And that is a business elevator pitch. 

So here we bring before you, our own thesis on a business elevator pitch and everything you need to know about it. Here we will discuss how to craft a great small business elevator pitch and about business elevator pitch topics. We will also talk about other business elevator pitch examples. 

What is a business elevator pitch?

A business elevator pitch is a short speech about your business that is used to describe your business to potential clients and grab their attention towards your business. It can be used to get people’s attention to investing in your idea or startUp. It can be used by anyone from a student for describing their project ideas to a CEO of a company to present a sales pitch to another company. It can also be used by people who are into digital marketing and even influencers. 

A good business elevator speech should include:

  • Who you are or what your organization is about, 
  • What is your product or what are your services
  • How is it going to help people 
  • What will be the end result 
  • What are your goals or plans for future

It is called an elevator pitch because generally, it should be no more than 30 seconds, as that is the time taken to ride an elevator. 

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How does a business elevator pitch work?

In simple words, a business elevator pitch is an answer to the question “what do you do?” 

It is a short explanation about your business that is used to garner people’s attention. It can also be said that a business elevator pitch is an advertisement for the promotion of your business. It is almost like selling your business to someone. 

It works in numerous ways, to name a few would be:

  • It brings in more clients
  • It helps to generate leads from cold calls or cold emails
  • It brings in investors
  • It also brings in new employees. 
  • It helps in building your image in front of others. 

Here we are going to talk about how you can make your business elevator pitch work and also give you some business elevator pitch topics and some great business elevator pitch examples. 

Top 10 tips to follow for a great business elevator pitch 

Below are the tips for creating a great business elevator pitch:

Describe who you are 

It is a very important point in drafting a good business elevator pitch. You should know who you are or what your organization is. Describe your business to your prospective clients in the simplest way. Without going too much into technical terms. What do you do or what your business is? What does your company make or what services do you provide? 

But before that, you need to know your organization like the back of your hand. Because every business is different. A small business elevator pitch is different from a big one. A tax business elevator pitch is different from a marketing one. This is a very good business elevator pitch example. 

Describe your ideal customer 

In your small business elevator pitch, it is very important to describe who your ideal customers are? Or what is your targeted audience? 

It is very important to mention if your business caters to young teenagers or 60-year-olds retired. Because a business elevator pitch catering to either of them will be very different from the other. On that basis, you will know whether your pitch needs to be funnier or more serious. This is also one of the great business elevator pitch examples. 

State the problem 

They say necessity is the mother of invention. But what if there is no necessity? Well, then create one. You will only be able to sell something when you will make people understand that they need it. If you have a financial company, tell them how people are going bankrupt due to low financial education. Or if you have a marketing company, tell them how people are losing customers. This is a great business elevator pitch topic.

Give the answer 

When you give them the question, how might they miss out on opportunities? Before they can even start thinking, give them the answer. The answer is you or your company. Tell them that your company can solve all their problems. Make them feel as if they need you or your company. 

Tell them the benefits

This is another great tax business elevator pitch. Tell them each and every detail on how they can be benefited from your services. Make them realize what they are losing if they decide not to be involved with your company. Give them some other benefits as well that if they invest in your business, you can refer them to other companies or if they will be getting some other benefits like cashback for using your services. 

Describe the result

So now that you have given them the question and the answer, give them the ultimate result as well. Tell them what the end result is going to be. It can be for their benefit or can be for global benefit as well. Maybe if you have an app for education, you can tell your clients that you want no child to be without education as your end goal. If you have a financial company, then as an end result you can say that your clients will never face bankruptcy. This is also one of the great business elevator pitch examples. 

Make people invested

You need to make people interested in your elevator pitch. They say an average human’s attention span is less than 15 seconds. You have to grab your potential client’s attention in those 15 seconds. So that they invest in your company. Make your elevator pitch interesting. Another tip, keep your pitch very relatable. People get more attracted to something they can relate to. 

Make it short 

Let’s be honest, nobody likes to listen to a story. So keep the rant for the books. Keep your pitch short and to the point, but don't forget the important details. Your pitch should not be more than 30 seconds. You should be able to grab their attention in less than 30 seconds. Cuz if your pitch is long and boring, people will get annoyed and lose interest. 

Keep it simple 

Nobody likes Oxford level in their day-to-day lives. So keep your pitch as simple as possible. Don't use difficult words or fancy synonyms. Your language and choice of words should be so simple that even a child should be able to understand. 

Don't get disheartened if you fail

The greatest tip of all time. Don't get disheartened if you fail to make heads turn at the first few chances. Try again, practice is the key. Practice your pitch as much as possible, edit it numerous times if needed. But don't stop trying. 


So this was our take on everything you need to know about a business elevator pitch. We know handling a business is not child’s play. It is a very tough job. So we have our top 10 tips to follow for a great business elevator pitch which is bound to bring in sales. 

So, you can worry about just your business and nothing else. We dearly hope these tips will be helpful for crafting your business elevator pitch. 

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