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Top 5 Must-Read Books Before Launching A Business

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Fri Mar 01 2024

5 min read

best books for startup

Books are the very soul of knowledge. Even with the advent of technology in all our life phases, nothing can replace the learnings from books. They are the very landmarks of your teaching. Even when everything is replaced by the click of a button, the only thing that has changed with books is the way to access them(through online sources or e-readers like Kindle). 

So when you’re thinking of launching a business, it would be recommended that you read some works of people who are accomplished in the field or possess the knowledge from the same. There is a list of must-read books before launching a business. And this technique has helped many business owners rise and understand the whereabouts of business.

One of the best ways to gain experience can be the learnings you get from other’s experiences and that’s exactly what great books accomplish. For the entrepreneur in you, here are the best books for startups that you must read.

Top 5 Must-Read Books Before Launching A Business

Here are the best books for startups that you must read:


This book is one of the most prized possessions of every entrepreneur. This is because, in this book, the author walks you through the life of other founding entrepreneurs. The three hundred pages of the book provide an insight into the early challenges that the startups faced and what they had to go through to become what they are today. The entrepreneurs talk about the advice that these founders would like to give to others so that they don’t have to make the same mistakes that they did. The only thing that sets startups apart from other things is that there is no exact roadway to set up a startup. You just have to figure yourself out along the way. But with the help of this book, you’ll be able to go through many stories of startups and find your answers and cues about what to do when. Since it develops this insight, this forms as one of the best books for startups.

The 4-hour workweek

The 4-hour workweek is a great book that describes the ins and outs of entrepreneurial life. The books have the author describing how being your boss gives you the freedom to work even 4 hours a week at a point as opposed to the mundane 40 hours that a 9 to 5 job supports. In this book, the author shuns the idea of a regular job and explains the various benefits of being able to work from everywhere and being able to lead your life on your terms. 

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By this means, he thinks that it is the best thing to become an entrepreneur if you want to gain control of your life back. Corporate jobs often leave you despising everything you do and with a lack of time to do anything for yourself. But with a startup, you’ll be able to work without bounds and explore everything up to the fullest.


The book ‘Rework’ forms one of the must-read books before launching a business. It is because it reworks your thoughts about being an entrepreneur and allows you to change your perspective about entrepreneurial life. As an outsider to that field, we are often surrounded by myths. But this book will work its way to clear them all up. With it, the author explains why it is okay and even preferable to not have a plan while in a startup at all. 

He also explains the reasons why you should refrain from allowing any outside investors in your business. With this, he explains how you can grow faster, and become more successful with your firm. It also sheds light on how it is okay to ignore the competition around you for a while and not succumb to it entirely. So, this becomes an awesome read for people who are looking for these answers.

The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the business of life

Everyone knows that Warren Buffett is the ultimate man from whom you should learn how to invest and run a business. With Berkshire Hathaway being one of the top firms and Warren Buffett being a part of the world’s richest people almost every year, this book stores the treasures to get access to a man of great astute. 

This book covers his stories and his learnings with his firms. Since Warren Buffett has not come up to tell a lot about it himself, it becomes the closest way to connect with him and find answers to the questions that you were looking for. With this, this book forms one of the best books for startups.

Founders at work: stories of startups’ early days

Founders at work do exactly what it seems like it does. The book stands to its name and helps you get direct insights from one of the greatest tech founders in the world. They cover stories of coveted brands and firms like Apple, PayPal, Hotmail, Flickr among other brands. Their founders explain how they stumbled upon the idea of executing the ideas that they did and how they dealt with issues that troubled them daily. 

With this, you will be able to understand the development in the mind of an entrepreneur ever since the beginning of the story. With coveted firms like these, you will also be able to evaluate their current choices based on their humble beginnings.


There is no denying the fact that books truly open you up to a world that is beyond any imagination. You can’t possibly imagine getting the direct assistance of the types of Warren Buffet and Steve Jobs if it wasn’t for authors like these. Through their books, you’ll complete a journey that will help you to further disembark the journey of being an entrepreneur. These books, therefore, form to be the best books for startups and guide you along your way whenever you stumble through the hardships of creating something huge for yourself and society.

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