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Behavioral Interview Techniques | Definition & Advantages

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Sat Sep 07 2024

5 min read

Behavioral Interview Techniques

Discover the ultimate guide to mastering behavioral interview techniques. You will learn to effectively utilize the STAR method and showcase your skills to impress potential employers. From understanding the importance of behavioral interviews to practical strategies for preparation, we've got you covered. Whether you're a seasoned job seeker or entering the workforce for the first time, our blog equips you with the tools and confidence needed to excel in any interview scenario.

If you ever felt you were facing a firing squad instead of an interview panel, this blog is for you. In this blog, we will talk about behavioral interview techniques.

Picture this: instead of hesitating over generic questions, you're confidently weaving tales of triumph, showcasing your skills like an expert. In this blog, we're discussing the art of excelling at behavioral interviews. Additionally, you will read about the STAR method and other behavioral interview techniques to ace the interview. So get ready to learn how to get your dream job.

What is a Behavioral Interview?

Behavioral interview is not just about your resume or skills; it's about how you handled situations in the past. The interviewer wants to know if you're a problem-solver, a team player, all that good stuff.

Instead of asking, "Are you a good communicator?" they might say, "Tell me about a time you had to resolve a conflict at work." So, when prepping, think of specific examples from your past jobs or life where you showed leadership, adaptability, or whatever traits they're looking for. And don't just say what you did; explain the situation, your action, and the result.

Before learning about behavioral interview techniques, learn why companies conduct them.

What are the Advantages of Behavioral Interview?

Handling situational interview questions might be tricky, but it is necessary for a company. They conduct behavioral interviews for multiple reasons that help them find the best fit for a role in their company.

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1. Action-Oriented

Imagine you're applying for a customer service role. They don't just want to know if the candidate says they're good with people; they want proof. That's where behavioral interviews shine. Instead of asking hypothetical questions like, "How would you handle an angry customer?" you're getting down to the gist: "Tell me about a time when you turned an angry customer into a happy one."

HRs are getting a front-row seat to see how you've tackled challenges in the past. It's like watching a trailer for a movie, you get a taste of what's to come.

2. Fair Evaluation

Think about it: if an HR is evaluating candidates based solely on their resumes, they might miss out on hidden gems. But with behavioral interviews, everyone gets a chance to shine. It doesn't matter if you've got years of experience or fresh out of college; if you've got a story to tell, you're in the game.

So whether you're an expert or a newbie, you've got a shot at wowing the interviewers by using behavioral interview techniques.

3. Culture Fit Assessment

Every company has its own vibe, its own culture. And let's face it, not everyone will vibe with every culture. By diving deep into a candidate's past experiences, interviewers can assess if your values align with the company's.

Are you a team player? Do you thrive in a fast-paced environment? It's like finding that missing puzzle piece that completes the picture of the company's team.

4. Predictive Power

Looking at past behavior is the best way to predict future behavior. It's like being a detective, but they're predicting job performance instead of solving crimes. With behavioral interviews, employers can analyze how candidates have handled similar situations and make educated guesses about how they'll perform in the future.

5. Evidence-Based Hiring

Gone are the days of recruitment workflow based solely on gut feelings or impressive resumes. With behavioral interview techniques, it's all about the evidence. Instead of just taking a candidate's word for it, HRs are getting hard proof of their skills and abilities. Did they lead a successful project? Handle a tricky situation with grace. They'll know because the candidates have real-life examples to back it up.

6. Comprehensive Understanding

Sure, resumes can give them a snapshot of a candidate's qualifications. However, to really understand what makes the candidate special, they need more than just bullet points. That's where behavioral interviews come in handy.

Interviewers can get a fuller picture of your strengths, weaknesses, and problem-solving abilities by delving into specific examples from a candidate's past.

7. Enhanced Decision-Making

Hiring decisions can make or break a company. When it comes to making those decisions, a company wants all the information it can get. That's where behavioral interviews come in clutch.

Providing richer insights into a candidate's past experiences empowers employers to make more confident and informed hiring decisions. It's like having a superpower that helps them assemble the dream team.

From real-life insights to evidence-based hiring, they're a game-changer in finding the perfect fit for your team. So, when preparing for competency-based interviews, remember what the company wants to know. Learn some behavioral interview methods and answer the questions appropriately and with honesty.

Explore the importance of behavioral skills in personal and professional development.

How To Prepare For A Behavioral Interview?

Preparing for a behavioral interview leads to behavioral interview success stories. You need to train, strategize, and be ready to go the distance. Here is a step-by-step process that will help you understand behavioral interview techniques and strategies.

1. Do Your Homework

Start by diving into the job description and researching the company. What type of candidate do they want? What's the company culture like? If possible, find out about the experiences of previous employees in similar roles. This research will lay the groundwork for your preparation and help you customize your responses to fit the company's needs.

2. Identify Competencies and Skills

Next, make a list of the competencies, attributes, and skills that the company values. These could include communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and more. Rank them based on their relevance to the position you're applying for. This will guide you in selecting the most impactful examples from your experiences to showcase during the interview.

3. Compile Past Experiences

Now, brainstorm and list down your past experiences and successes that align with the competencies and skills you've identified. Think of specific instances where you demonstrated leadership, creativity, or resilience.

Craft concise yet compelling descriptions that highlight your abilities and achievements. Remember, storytelling is key to making your examples engaging and memorable.

4. Embrace Challenges

Don't shy away from discussing challenging situations you've faced. Show your ability to handle adversity and problem-solving. Share examples where you overcame obstacles and achieved positive outcomes.

Be prepared to reflect on areas where you could have improved and discuss what you learned from those experiences.

5. Use the STAR Method

Structure your responses using the STAR method, describe the Situation or Task, outline the Action you took, and explain the Results you achieved. To lend credibility to your examples, provide specific details, including names, dates, and quantifiable outcomes.

Providing STAR method examples will ensure that your answers are clear, concise, and focused on demonstrating your capabilities.

6. Review Past Performance

Take a trip down memory lane and revisit past performance documents and appraisals. These can serve as valuable sources of evidence for your accomplishments and contributions.

Identify key achievements and situations that align with the competencies sought by the employer. Use these insights to enrich your examples and bolster your credibility during the interview.

7. Take Notes and Document

If you're currently employed, start documenting your successes, achievements, and challenges as they happen. These notes will serve as a treasure trove of material for future behavioral interviews. Additionally, they'll come in handy when completing performance appraisals or preparing for future career advancements.

By following these steps, you'll be an expert in handling situational interview questions that come your way. Remember to stay authentic, confident, and focused on showcasing your unique strengths and experiences. With thorough preparation and the best behavioral interview techniques, you'll set yourself up for success in landing your dream job.

The STAR Method For Behavioral Interviews

Handling situational interview questions by providing STAR method examples is the best way because it is easier for you to structure the answer. Additionally, the interviewers also love the STAR method as it is 55% effective in predicting candidates' job performance. It is one of the best behavioral interview techniques used by a candidate.

STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. When you're asked a question in an interview, you use the STAR method to structure your response. It's like painting a picture for the interviewer and giving them a clear view of how you tackle challenges and achieve results.

STAR works best with behavioral questions that start with phrases like "Tell me about a time when..." or "Give me an example of..." These questions are your cue to bust out the STAR method and shine.

How to Use the STAR Method?

  1. Situation: Start by setting the scene. Describe the situation you were in and any obstacles you faced. For example, if you noticed revenue was down and decided to find out why and how.
  2. Task: Next, explain what your specific task or goal was. What were you responsible for? For instance, "I needed to motivate my team to meet project deadlines."
  3. Action: Now, get into the nitty-gritty of what you did to tackle the task. Be specific about your actions and how you approached the problem. Instead of saying simply, "I worked hard," give more details.
  4. Result: Finally, talk about the results of your actions. How did your efforts make a difference? Quantify the impact and share what you learned from the experience.

By following the STAR method, you're not just answering questions—you're giving the interviewer a glimpse into your skills, abilities, and problem-solving prowess. So, next time you're prepping for an interview, remember to prepare using behavioral interview techniques and showcase your best self.

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Mastering the behavioral interview techniques can be your ticket to landing that dream job. Throughout this blog, we've discussed the best behavioral interview techniques, from understanding the STAR method to crafting compelling anecdotes showcasing your skills and experiences.

By diving deep into the intricacies of behavioral interviews, you can confidently navigate even the toughest interview questions. These techniques empower you to stand out and leave a lasting impression on potential employers. By aligning your values, skills, and experiences with those of the organization, you can ensure a mutually beneficial partnership that fosters growth and success.

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