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The Average Hiring Process Time: What You Need To Know

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Sat Feb 24 2024

5 min read

average hiring process time

It might be stressful to wait to hear back from potential employers while you're seeking work. It's reasonable to be curious about how long the average hiring process time lasts and what you can do to make it go faster.

This article will cover everything from the average hiring time to all the steps involved in a typical hiring process timeline.

The hiring process can be prolonged and stretched out, with many candidates waiting several months for a response from employers. So, how long does the average hiring process take?

An answer to this problem is not straightforward because there are so many factors that come into play in how long it takes to hire someone. These include the company’s size, the role that is being filled, the number of candidates, and the geographical location.

In general, hiring takes longer for senior roles and jobs that call for a particular set of qualifications. But, it could take longer if the company is situated in a place where there are a lot of job applications.

It usually takes four to six weeks on average to hire someone. However, this may change depending on the aforementioned elements. Hence, if you are currently looking for a job, it is important that you have patience and prepare yourself for a lengthy wait.

What is The Average Length of The Hiring Process?

A few factors that determine the average hiring process time are the number of applications, the position being filled, and the company's location. The average length of the hiring process takes four to six weeks.

Due to the greater number of applicants, the hiring process may take longer for positions with strong competition. The more specified a job position is, the longer it takes to find a suitable candidate. Highly-skilled roles that require experience and niche knowledge may take longer to fill, as there are fewer applicants with these skills.

Geography is another factor that can influence the length of the hiring process. Companies located in lower population areas may have fewer candidates to choose from and thus may take longer to make a hire. Similarly to this, a business in a major city can encounter a longer hiring procedure as a result of the huge number of applications.

Overall, based on the previously mentioned parameters, the hiring process' length may change. When looking for a job, it is critical to have patience and be ready for a protracted wait.

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How to Understand The Average Hiring Process Length?

There is no specific answer to this, as it’s a long and complicated process. Candidates applying for entry- positions can expect to get hired sooner than their senior counterparts. Evaluating applicants for the senior position may consume much more time, as their job specifications demand much more skills and the hiring managers must evaluate each applicant's credentials.

It involves a lot of research and communication, which can take some time depending on the employers’ preferences. Employers often go through a lot of testing, feedback, and conversation to ensure they are hiring the best applicant. Background checks and reference checks are also critical components of the hiring process, which in turn extends the length of the hiring process.

Companies must check candidates’ references, qualifications, and criminal records before hiring. This process can be quite tedious, as the employer needs to verify certificates and legal documents, and contact references.The frequency of communication between the employer and the candidate influences the duration the recruiting process takes.

Employers should communicate regularly with applicants, providing feedback and updates on their progress. In some cases, employers might need several attempts to contact a prospective candidate or might require time for further research. They have different policies and preferences about the recruitment process, and the average hiring process time may vary depending on them.

What is The Average Time to Hire a New Employee?

According to SHRM, The Society of Human Resource Management; The average hiring process time is around 34 days. The total duration can vary depending on the type of position and the steps involved in recruitment. For example, positions that require talent and expertise such as senior executive roles require more evaluation and assessment, and the timeline to hire these employees can be longer.

The number of interviews conducted is one of the main variables that might affect how long it takes to acquire a new employee. According to an Indeed report, the average number of interviews per candidate is two to three. It also found that companies usually carry out two or three rounds of interviews before making a hiring decision. The number of interviews also depends on the complexity of the position.

Pre-screening, phone screening, and interviews are the distinct stages of the hiring process for each position. Each of these steps involves different types of assessments such as aptitude tests, resumes, psychometric assessments, and technical evaluations. For proper and efficient evaluation, different assessments should be conducted for each step. The timeline for each of these assessments should be clearly communicated to the candidate and employer.

If you're curious about phone screening meaning and how it plays a crucial role in the hiring process, check out our comprehensive guide on phone screening meaning.

How to Make Your Hiring Process More Efficient?

Making the hiring process more efficient and reducing the average hiring process time duration is important for enterprises to attract top talent and increase the overall productivity of their employees. Here are some steps to make your hiring process efficient:

1. Set up and fill your Talent Pipeline

Filling your talent pipeline enhances the speed of your hiring process, as it screens the candidates with the highest potential. With the initial screening, you remove the bulk of the unqualified candidates for the role and now you have to pick the best from the remaining, which reduces time and thus improves overall efficiency.

2. Use Technology

Using technology can reduce the time it takes to hire and onboard new employees. You can use recruitment software or applicant tracking systems to manage the recruitment process such as collecting applications, scheduling interviews, and making hiring decisions. Additionally, there are also platforms for remote interviews and onboarding.

3. Streamline Processes

Streamlining processes by eliminating cumbersome paperwork and automating administrative tasks can help to make the recruitment process more efficient. Automation can also be used for pre-screening potential candidates and for conducting background checks.

By considering these tips, you can reduce the average time to recruit an employee, making your recruitment process more efficient and effective.

What are The Benefits of a Shorter Hiring Process?

Having a shorter hiring process is beneficial to both companies and job candidates.

A quicker hiring procedure has the apparent advantage of allowing firms to fill vacancies more rapidly. This reduces the expense of having the post open and enables them to hire a suitable and experienced candidate as quickly as feasible.

A shorter process also allows for better decision-making since employers can take advantage of the latest trends and technologies that a potential candidate may bring to the table. On top of that, a shorter process helps attract top talent - candidates who are in demand and who have little time to wait.

A quicker recruiting procedure benefits job searchers by speeding up their search and decreasing the amount of time they must wait to hear back from potential employers. This enables them to quickly transition into their dream job and forgo long periods of waiting. Additionally, reducing the average hiring process time increases the likelihood of their candidacy as employers are more likely to take them seriously and respond faster if they show genuine interest in a role.

What is The Typical Hiring Process Timeline?

An average recruitment process timeline consists of the following stages:

  1. Job listing and initial applicant review: 1-4 days
  2. Phone/virtual interview: 2 days
  3. In-person interview: 2-3 days
  4. Peer interviews or other assessments: 3-7 days
  5. Offer and negotiation: 2-4 days
  6. Background checks and reference checks: 1-4 days
  7. Onboarding: 2-4 days
  8. Start date: 1-2 days

The number of stages in the process determines how long the timeline will be, and it could vary as well depending on the responsibilities that are involved. A shorter hiring procedure, for instance, would take around two weeks, whilst a lengthier one might take between four and eight weeks.


In conclusion, various factors, such as the size of the firm, the industry, the job level, the location, and the kind of role, might affect the average hiring process time. On average, it takes two weeks for an accelerated hiring process and four to eight weeks for a more thorough and extended process.

In order to effectively manage the process and make it efficient, employers should use the best hiring practices, including automation. Automation can help eliminate tedious tasks, allowing recruiters to focus on more important ones, such as interviewing and making hiring decisions. Employers should monitor their hiring procedures to spot any areas that might want improvement in the future.

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